Sub title in Advanced Query Print screen

Advanced Queries in are really game-changing advancements you made and I thank you for your continues efforts.
However, I feel that the Query Report does not show the report date and the report user is unable to know what is the date range (my case is March 2024 )of the printed report. There fore, I would Kindly request either one of the following:

  1. To show ( see my screen shut sample ) the date range of the report as: From - To format based on “Where” conditions we made in our Query screen.
  2. If the above is practically impossible or takes time, I would suggest that something like Sub-title text field/box option to be added as a subtitle under the Query name for the user to be able to manually record his date range manually before printing.
    I believe this option would make the advanced Query reports more useful.

Actually, I think the title of the report should be the title of the screen you are printing. And sub-title should be the name of your advanced query.

So check how it’s implemented in the latest version (

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I think that the query definition is necessary. The name of the query does not say much about what is displayed. Assume you name it Original 3, what does that say about the data. Preferably the query info itself should be the sub-title, so even if you delete the query you always will know what the data represented and how to replicate it.

Example of query name not relevant to the data displayed.

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Maybe a check box to show date range in the title.
Many accounting reports are very dependent on the dates included in the report.

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I think two variables are needed here:

  1. the name of the query where the user is able to record his own query name as he wishes which will be the main title as how it was before days.
  2. A sub title( manually entered, if automation is not feasible) field where the user has still the ability to record the date Range.

Previously, the query name was perfect( now placed as a sub-title under the default screen name), and the issue was mainly - how can we show the report date range only in the query print screen.

with reference to my previous case, I generated “Sales by Item Summary”( my query name) from Sales Invoice - Lines tab.

in the current implementation, my query name is as: Sales Invoice - Lines and I think that this has nothing to do with my query definition/need, showing the report user that this report is from some where called " Sales Invoice - line" - we only need the report Date.

Finally, If the current implementation by the developer is a must-have and a given one, I would suggest that the default screen names - such as Sales/Receipts/Sales Orders/ Sales Invoice -lines all should be editable by the user when defining his own query as in the case of custom titles of sales Quotations or purchase orders which both have a custom title - this will simplify the issue and make the query reports more user friendly.
I strongly believe that such discussions, inputs and improvements by both the users as a well as the Developer regarding the “Advanced Query” is worth our time and energy since it is the only alternative option we have when it comes to the long awaited “Custom Reporting”.

Custom reports already exist for a long time, check Reports. Improvements to these so they function similarly to the newly introduced Advanced queries are awaited because Custom reports is more powerful in that it works across functional tabs while Advanced queries are limited to a functional tab in which it is used.

Agree it @eko, but what I mean long waited is the Documentation and guides of the custom Reports. in the Advanced Query, i think that every thing is straightforward and simple compared to the Custom Reports. If there is an update with regard to the Custom Reporting Guidance/ docs, plz help us because I know this custom report is very rich.

I already indicated there is not because @Lubos as yet has to update the Custom reports to work similar to the functional Tabs but with the benefit of working across these Tabs. In essence these then will be as simple as the the Advanced queries to use.

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