Renamed "Advanced Search" to "Custom Reports" and making the feature look report-like

It took a while to get to this point but new custom reports are now in the latest version (24.2.23)

You can now turn your data within any tab into a custom report.

The first change is that Advanced Search button has been renamed to Custom Reports.


When you create New Custom Report, the form will look similar to this:

You can select columns which you’d like to see on your custom report. Apply filters using Where option, sort your results using Order by and optionally if you’d like to group your data by one or multiple columns, you can use Group by.

When custom report definition is created, you will be taken to it.

Use Edit button to further calibrate your custom report. Or Print button to print it.

For performance reasons, the default number of rows in custom report is limited to 50 but you can toggle between options in bottom-right corner.


Just keep in mind, selecting very large number will probably choke your web-browser or the program (in case of desktop edition which is using web-browser internally). Web-browsers are not optimized to show so much data at once.

This new feature will eliminate need for quite a few built-in reports so Reports tab will be cleaned up a bit.


Way to go @lubos, this is much needed. Thanks.

Also @lubos , if i may suggest to put Totals on reports with Amounts involved?


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In here, only the “Amount” got the total, but on the column of “Tax Amount” it does not have. Anyway, this is just my observation rolling out the new feature. By itself, it is already great, been waiting for this for while.

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@Christopher_Esmeres check the the latest version ( Should be ok now.


wow that was fast, thanks for this, it’s fixed. @lubos

Hi Lubos,

Thank you for all your work. Really appreciate it!!
Is there any way we can still “view” and “edit” each individual line like in the old “Advanced Search”? I used to use the feature as a search filter to do my editing for specific orders/invoices. Thanks again Lubos, keep up the great work!

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Thanks for the new feature it works great.
I would like to suggest some improvements.

  1. Groups to collapse should be optional.
  2. Renaming of columns just like old custom reports.
  3. Extending Transaction lines capability to individual accounts (Like acc receivables, payables, capital accounts etc) with running balance and Custom report capability.
    I dont know the feasibility of these suggestions. FIrst 2 seems simple. Dont know about the third one.

yes, this is a good thing, an option to display the search result like the old way so that we can edit directly the transaction AND in report form of which we have now in the recent update.

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@lubos, in support of @Christopher_Esmeres there is still need for advanced search that help filter through the records for editing and other purposes in addition to this welcome new additional custom reports feature.

As this new feature is tab based I assume that the one under Reports will deal with more advanced “cross-tab” reports.


To keep the program consistent, I really want New Custom Report result in report-like view. But for this use-case, we could have a button somewhere to take you to underlying data which will have Edit / View buttons.

Yes, this is still missing piece. I’m working on it.


This would be great; to have the advantages of both an advanced search and a custom report format.

You are right, changing the name from advanced search to custom reports is consistent with the presentation of view screens rather than filtered records lists. However, these are two very distinct features. Filtering and sorting records is used to manage data easier and edit where needed. Also these can be easy copied to a clipboard and spreadsheet for further processing such as visual representation.

The argument is thus that they need to co-exist. The customs report generation for a tab is a great addition but should not go at the cost of what most of us spent time on and that is entering, editing, deleting, etc. the data that leads to the ability to generate the reports.

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I would like to report a glitch. When we print the new custom report Grand total is repeating at every page. It should show totals per page or only the grand total at the end.
Further Discount and Item Unit are not available. I dont know if its by design just wanted to point it out.

Thank You for this valuable Update. I am trying to get a custom report made like below:
Inventroy Item Code QTY sold Customer Name

Any example how to do this? Thanks

@Aldo on Sales Invoices - Lines screen, you can create custom report like this:

This will give you 3 columns

  • Customer
  • Item
  • Qty

Qty will be the total for each customer/item pair.

You can further improve this custom report by adding date filter in Where... so you get these totals for specific period.

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Thank you so much for what you do at The Manager :slightly_smiling_face:
Is it possible to show custom reports in Bank or Cash Account?
To display receipt and payment transactions in one report form.

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Many Thanks. This is a very important report for my business. I’m going to use this report for my purchasing forecast. Thank You for your hard work

Hi Lubos, Two Questions please.

  1. Why do I get negative QTY?

@Aldo do not go to Custom Reports under Reports tab.

Go to Sales Invoices, then click Sales Invoices - Lines button in bottom-right corner to get list of sales invoice lines across all sales invoices. Then click Custom Reports on that screen as per the first post in this topic.