Stock item expiry date

how can I activate the expiry date of my stock items at the purchases&sales invoices?

You cannot track the expiry date of inventory items for now.

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Exactly how do you define your expiry date? As with this knowledge there maybe a work around.

However Manager assumes all stock items are identical and interchangeable. It does not track batch numbers or expiry dates. Doing so requires a new inventory item for each batch.

unfortunately, that is the weak point of this program.
until they solve this point, we are waiting

@Tamer_Derbala, tracking expiry dates and including them on purchase and sales invoices are two different things.

You can add line-item custom fields to include the dates for items you buy and sell. But this will only be information related to that invoice. See the Guide:

To actually track expiry dates, you would need to create new inventory items for each expiration lot, as @Patch already wrote.

What do you mean by this?

  • Is it a warranty expiry started from the date the customer makes the purchase?
  • Is it an expiry based on the date of manufacture and stock spoiling? If so how often do you receive new batches?