Expiry date of the stock items

is this program supporting the expiry date of the stock items?
I have in my business a lot of items and I need to take control of its expiry date, otherwise, I will get looses because of that.

kindly please I need help.

No, there is no provision in Manager for expiry dates

I am used a custom field for it

kindly please tell me how to do that?

if you speak Arabic, we can chat together through personal messages.

your reply will be appreciated.

The only way to do this would be to create a new inventory item for each lot of items with a different expiry date

الخطوات بسيطة إن شاء الله وححط صور من السيستم عندي
The steps are simple, God willing, and I will put pictures of my system

بتروح للإعدادات وبتضغط على الحقول المخصصة
Go to settings and click on the custom fields

بعدها بتنزل لعند ما تشوف صنف المخزون وعندك بيكون فاضي
Then you go down to when you see the item of stock and you have it empty

فبتضغط حقل مخصص جديد وبتعبي البيانات متل اللي بالصورة وبعدها تضغط تحديث
So, click on a new custom field, fill in the data as shown in the image, and then click Update

وهيك لما تضيف صنف جديد في خيار تحت للصلاحية بتحط فيه الوقت وبقائمة أصناف المخزون بتصير لون أحمر عند انتهاء الصلاحية
And this is how when you add a new item in the option under the expiry date, the time will be reduced, and the list of stock items will turn red at the expiration date.