Statement Line Descriptions

When i create customer statements the statment lines simply say Inovoice#1 etc. Would it be possible to include the header level desciption from the Invoice in the description number (be happy to have it simply trucnated to what ever space is available). This would be very helpful for us. We do a few bills bills for different things “Annual membership” etc. so it makes it really easy for the customer to see at a glance what the ‘nature’ of the unpaid invoices are…

What version are you using? Manager already does it. When you generate customer statements (type: unpaid invoices), there will be Description column which shows Invoice summary.

The latest version on the web site is v15.1.44. I’m seeing exactly what @alasdair describes. Even though I have summary descriptions heading my invoices, a customer statement (whether for unpaid invoices or all transactions) merely lists such entries as “Invoice #15005” or “Receipt.”

v15.1.46 is now downloadable. With it, I can see the Description column on my only unpaid invoice. But if I generate a report for all transactions, even for the same customer, I only get the invoice number or receipt indications.

Yup - I now see the same thing in the latest version. If run for unpaid I get descriptions if run for transactions no description. Would prefer description in both formats, but can probably live with using Unpaid format as a work around. I’d almost swear this morning when I went to prepare statements (15.1.44) the unpaid invoice format didn’t have the description either. Hmm.

You are correct, @alasdair. Version 15.1.44 did not show descriptions for either unpaid or all transactions.

Manager 15.1.33

@alasdair and I were referring to inclusion of the invoice summary as a Description. The current format for unpaid invoices statement includes a column labeled Invoice, where the invoice number appears, and a column labeled Description, where the invoice summary text appears (assuming any of your invoices have such text).

The screen shot you included shows the equivalent of a customer statement for transactions, as opposed to unpaid invoices, in the current version, 15.1.46.

Manager changes so fast, I find it easy to misinterpret things said in the Forum.

Is there any update on this. Description field only shows Invoice#1 etc.If it shows the real headline it will be great.

@techenhance, not sure what version you are on. Newer versions show invoice summary on statements too.

plz help
costermer statement in product wise display
not view botton press…