When entering transactions (Spend Money or Receive Money and also Transfer Money Transactions) in a bank or cash account, currently there is only one option to enter one “Paid From” or “Received From” or “Received In” account. In the situation where you purchase an item and you use multiple forms of payment with that retailer (Credit card plus cash or store credit/gift voucher etc). Is it possible to add/place the “Paid From” or “Received From” or “Received In” account field to before the “Account” field on the same line as the transaction? This way it would be then possible to add multiple forms of payment to the one transaction entry, and still having the “Add line” button to add multiple transactions.
Purchased an item that is $250.00 but used credit card for $200 and paid cash or store credit/gift voucher for the remainder - $50.00.
• Enter a credit card transaction (Bank Accounts > Credit Card Account > Spend Money)
• Enter purchase info and enter multiple lines: i.e. $200 Credit Card payment and $50 as cash/store credit/gift voucher etc
If this is a all technically possible, I would envisage that by adding the “Paid From” or Received From" or “Received In” drop down list would work well if on the same line as the applicable transaction.
:: LINE 1 - Paid From [Drop Down List]: Credit Card Account > Account [Drop Down List]: Business Expense: Computer Software > Description: Computer Software > Amount: 200.00 > Tax [Drop Down List] - GST 10%) > Tracking Code [Drop Down List: FY 2014-2015 X
:: LINE 2 - Paid From [Drop Down Field]: Cash On Hand ~ Store Credit/Gift Vouchers > Account [Drop Down List]: Business Expense: Computer Software > Description: Computer Software > Amount: 50.00 > Tax [Drop Down List] - GST 10%) > Tracking Code [Drop Down List: FY 2014-2015 X
- The money value for the credit charge is taken out of the credit card account
- The money value cash/store credit credit/gift voucher is taken out of the respective account that holds that amount (i.e. wallet, store credit, gift vouchers, petty cash account etc
- This would work either way - if you are entering the transactions in the credit card account, the line for the “cash amount” would be taken out of the cash account … and vice versa - if entering the transactions in the Cash Account, the credit card value would be taken out of the credit card account.
- This would work for different types of transaction i.e. “Spend Money” and “Receive Money” - and may also be beneficial when doing a a “Transfer Money” transaction also.
I hope all this makes sense.
Let me know if you have any questions.