SMTP Server settings > Send a copy of every email to this address > multiple addresses - error


After manager server update to v. if in Settings > Email settings > SMTP server
have in “Send a copy of every email to this address” multiple addresses, separated with commas, not possible send emails anymore.
Got error “Unexpected ‘,’ token at offset 18”

I tried separate vith “;” and with empty spase… nothing worg… Allways got error "Unnexpected error… "

At moment uypdated to latest version - and win 64 bit server

Working only with one email adresses. Before update to works ok with comma

Test email setting - working correctly

Best regards

Manager v
Win server 64bit

Still sending error, if Email setting option “Send a copy of every email to this address” have multiple recipients…

Unexpected ‘,’ token at offset 15

The statement says “… Send a copy of every email to this address…” This seems to indicate that you only copy to 1 address not multiple.

At moment is posible send copy only to the one address. Some time ago was possible sent to multiple addresse, separated with comma. Now if i have multiple addresses, separated with comma, system gives error and not sending at all.
Not working with comma, not with space, … etc

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