Single touch payroll

i have imported the worksheet but there are no figures in there - how do i get the amounts to flow in - it won’t let me type anything in there??

The content of the worksheet comes from Manager’s payroll.

Have you entered

  • Employees
  • Payslip items
  • Payslips
  • Does the date range for the worksheet include payslips you have entered

Yes I have done all that??


Do u have download the worksheet first and then enter payslips etc – we did it the other way around – payslips and everything entered first then downloaded the worksheet??


The report transformation adds custom fields which you will need to enter in

  • Settings → Payslip items
  • Settings → Business Details

There was a guide shown when you installed the localisation however this is no longer accessible.

i have imported the single touch payroll worksheet but i can’t seem to get the next quarter - i tried importing again but i don’t know where it has put it and i tried copying it but that didn’t work either?

Go to
Reports → Report transformation, Single touch payroll worksheet → “New Report”, or “View” last report & select “Clone” → enter new quarter date range → “Create”

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how do we lodge it with ato please??

At the bottom of the “Single touch payroll worksheet” there are instruction, you will need to follow them.

In summary it involves

  • Saving the csv file from the “Single touch payroll worksheet”.
  • Login to in particular the “Single touch lite” interface.
  • The first time you will need to register for the service and payment
  • Upload the Manager “Single touch payroll worksheet” cvs file into the “Single touch lite” web interface
  • “Single touch” formats the file and sends it to the ATO

Thanks - is there a free site we can use to lodge??

Not that directly interfaces with Managers data.
See this thread for details Single Touch Payroll Australia