You need to set two periods on the report:
The first period is pay period, the second one is your YTD period.
You need to set two periods on the report:
The first period is pay period, the second one is your YTD period.
Thank you I did read that but could not figure out where to put the 2nd date . Something so simple and I could not figure it out.yet I can quite happily re-code the GST report feel like a bit of a dummy
The privacy statement is what you would expect of a product that needs to collect data and send it. That’s what STP software does. I cannot figure a way you can enter employee and employer data without allowing access to that data.
I am using it and it is quite simple. I use the Windows version and not a phone version. My employee (just one person) can access her payment details via phone (and I assume Windows).
I found it easier to use than to get the flawed Manager report working. For input of data, 2 factor authenication is required to access the account so I am happy with the security of the data. It’s as good as you get with accessing the ATO business portal or a bank.
I tranfer the payment details into Manager manually. Obviously this means this combination would only be suited to a small number of employees otherwise it would become comberome.
The STP report in Manager isn’t a good solution to a problem that I feel remains unresolved and should have been addressed at least a year ago. It only seems to allow access to a single, compliant STP provider.
Manager needs to become STP compliant itself.
As far as I can see the Manager STP report is now a very acceptable automatic download for compliance.
Thank you @lubos has a Lite package and Data package. It looks like I am able to fit into the Data package. Is the CSV file genereated from Manager compatible for both Lite and Data?
And when they say “first 50 employee transmissions”, does that mean first 50 records submitted to them PER MONTH is free?
Your second question is not going to be answered on this forum. You need to contact them for their pricing policy.
Hi, what is the second period for? YTD? Does this mean the entire financial year period?
For example I see that STP is showing a report for every quarterly report I created before.
Right now I have something like 2019-04-01 to 2019-06-30 which is the BAS 2018 - 2019 Q4.
What should be putting in the second date period?
first period is the current submission period
Second period is what the total YTD are calculated over (it should be set to start on the start date of the financial year and end on the same end date as the current submission)
(an enhanced version of the localisation could calculate this automatically)
I believe the cvs file is compatible with both. I agree the “STP data” option is better than the “STP lite” but from STP terms & conditions it specifies:
“You or your payroll software supplier MUST obtain an ATO product ID to use this service”
Manager having an ATO product ID I believe would result in
I’m not sure it is possible for a Manager user to get and ATO product id for Manager, but I can see some real benefit in NGSoftware Pty Ltd doing it.
I tried what was suggested here and found that Payroller which is free is easier to work and operate for businesses with 4 or less employees. The single Touch Payroll which manager suggests to use is only free for 27 transactions/submissions. It is also not friendly whereas is just a simple payroll program and can be set up in less than 10 minutes and you can do a pay run in another couple of minutes. It is also accepted by the ATO. No need to worry about Comma Separated values (CSV) You may not be aware but small family businesses ( the ATO calls this Closely held employees ) do not need to comply until the 1st July 2020. Check this out with the ATO phone 132866. Also the ATO advise they will not be too hard for the first 12 months for those trying to get a handle on STP
@Mifs, please do not double post responses.
OK, sorry, I just felt it was an important message for small Australian Mum and Dad businesses who are struggling with STP and I heard there are still more than a million businesses who aren’t across it
I have just uploaded my first CSV file to Single Touch Australia having created my account successfully . The file was rejected saying ’ family missing on row 2 ’ and ’ suburb missing on rows 3 & 4 ’ . There are some discrepancies there that I can see but I can’t work out how to alter them in any way .
The data submitted to the ATO has separate fields for
Manager does not have separate fields for each of these. Instead it extracts the values from the more general fields it does have, but the data needs to be in a fixed format.
To fix it you will need to:
look at “Reports” → “STP Payroll worksheet” screen to identify employees Manager has not been able to extract the data correctly.
Go to the “Employee” tab and edit the data for the problem employees to put it in the expected format (space separated values, no commas, no blank entries)
Name: FirstName Surname
Address line 2: Suburb State PostCode
I have tried to modify employee details already and as instructed but to no avail .
And no good posting screen shots as contains employee details .
You can make up employees with name or address features causing the errors you are encountering. Doing this in a test business is safest.
I’m confused, what is the current submission period?
I’ve set the 2 periods to be:
In what cases will the submission period be different from the YTD? In Australia, aren’t we are always doing this at the end of the financial year?
Single touch payroll is submitted every time you pay your employees. The first period entered in Manager is your current pay period ie a week if you pay weekly. This period is used by Manager to calculate the total wage payments listed at the top of the submission. Individual employees data submitted is year to date totals. This is the second period entered. Each submission will have a different end date ie about today
I have been using a good STP solution that is free. If you google Free Single Touch Payroll Software payslip app then you will find it. I’m not sure I am allowed to link to it here.
The app does not compete with Manager and can help Australian users. You can link it if you have found it useful.