Single Invoice from multiple Delivery notes per client

There has risen a need to create montly a single Invoice out of multiple delivery notes, or even out of multiple sales order there is a need to create A single sales invoice. The answer to manually add lines and do the hand work while you have a software that has the database there and could run an interogation or a querry on the database to sort this out sounds absurb. We can already querry and run one invoice per sales order automatically, why we cant extend this to multiple ?

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This is not true. Sales orders have no financial impact, and you cannot query anything to generate sales invoices from them. So there is no capability that could be extended to multiple sales orders. The only thing you can do with a sales order is copy it to a sales invoice. That process is not automatic.

I am assuming that when they say:
“We can already querry and run one invoice per sales order automatically”

They are in fact saying the same thing as you but with different words:
“The only thing you can do with a sales order is copy it to a sales invoice”

That is “querry” (sic) equals “copy” and “automatically” is a result of the copy, not manually created

So their question is “why we cant extend this to multiple ?”
That is, why can’t multiple delivery notes be copied to create one single invoice.

Their situation is this, which is not an uncommon practise, a customer has multiple deliveries within the month but they only want to send one month end sales invoice, which combines all deliveries.

In fact , this is not dissimilar to how Manager processes Billable Time. You enter a daily billable time (time delivery note) and these via a tick box can be combined onto a single invoice.

So perhaps the solution here is not to have the copy function but to have a tick box selection function.
This would bring consistency across all Manager deliveries - time or products.

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@Brucanna, I completely agree with you.

this is when the " delivery note before invoice " option comes into play.
deliveries on a weekly basis with invoicing at the end of the month.
invoice would need to show delivery note refs as well as the ship date
for every single delivery note then.
would be great, if this option will be available some day, :smile:

I’m not sure I understand what is required here. I thought Manager already supports this.

If you issue delivery notes without issuing invoices as is the case here, then under Customers tab, there will be column Qty to invoice. This represents items which have been shipped to customer without being covered by sales invoices. When you click on the quantity to invoice for the customer, there will be New Sales Invoice button which will copy all uninvoiced items from delivery notes onto new invoice.

I’m removing this from ideas as my understanding is that Manager already supports this unless I’m misunderstanding something.

@lubos, What the system doesn’t do is to add a reference number or numbers to the invoice generated and also it does not take into consideration delivery notes made for non inventory items.

A reference number can be set under Form Defaults.

No delivery note ever tracks or affects non-inventory items. They are management tools for inventory item quantities.

Non Inventory items in manager are services to my understanding. I believe that services can be delivered just as much as inventory item are delivered. The effect is not to the manager system or accounting system per say but to the transaction between the client and ourselves. It helps to track which delivery notes for those services offered are being billed. Thats my point view.

Therefore, the same way we have inventory items showing “to be invoiced” so should non inventory items

You are entitled to your viewpoint. But it contradicts Manager’s design and the purpose of delivery notes, which evolved from packing slips. They are not meant as customer relationship management tools, but as a means to manage ownership and custody of physical inventory assets. Uninvoiced services do not require the same measures, nor do they have the same accounting impact.

I need to think this through. From my point of view, delivery notes should be used for inventory items (physical goods) and billable time for services. Both support ability to perform the work or deliver goods on continuous basis and then issue summarizing invoice.

@Lubos, as you may know, not all services are time bound. The ability of billable time is what is being asked in respect to delivery notes for non inventory items which are not time bound. In addition, multiple delivery notes to be copied to one sales invoice indicating multiple references for delivery notes in question.

@Mule1, there is already a suggestion in the ideas category that would cover non-inventory items waiting to be billed without resorting to delivery notes which, as I already said, are a tool for managing physical inventory.

Although a good portion of the discussion has been made obsolete because of the change to how billable expenses are handled, the suggestion in the topic remains valid, even though that topic is closed. See Billable Services tab.

Thanks @Tut, Just read through all postings. Its exactly what i mean. The only deference is that Billable services Tab is recommended over delivery notes Tab. I get it.