When you click on the Customers tab by the name is a column called Sales Invoices among others where you can see the number of invoices issued to a customer and click to see a list of Sales invoices issued to the customer, I suggest for the expansion of this to include Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Credit notes ,Debit notes and Delivery notes. This way we can easily search and access all vouchers raised for a particular customer at one place.
This can be copied for Suppliers, where we would be able to see columns like Goods receipt notes, purchase orders, Debit notes … all in the same place.
Also it could be copied to Employees where Payslips column will appear to see the number of payslips generated for each Employee and clickable to see the list of payslips for them and view or edit or search for a transaction.
The main issue is that number of columns is getting too large. What I might do is to allow users to select columns they want to see. Or simply not to have columns like Sales Invoices as they merely show count rather than a balance (as other columns do).
You can always use search function to filter invoices by customer under Sales Invoices tab.
What if the Sales Invoices column becomes a “Transactions” column which combines all Quotes, Orders, Invoices, Credit & Delivery notes relating to a customer rather then a multiple of columns.
I realise this means either the amalgamating of financial (Invoices, Credit Notes) and non-financial (Quotes, Orders, Delivery Notes) transactions into the one Customer pigeon hole or pulling them from their individual pigeon holes.
If pulling the transactions from individual pigeon holes then they could be grouped - all Invoices first then all Credit Notes etc - rather then in date order.