I’m also not getting it work. I don’t know how to go around it at all.
Using windows server 2012 R2
I’m also not getting it work. I don’t know how to go around it at all.
Using windows server 2012 R2
If you guys still haven’t figure it out how to to auto start the managerserver.exe. I can help out. without nssm. for Windows 7
I hv bn able to do of using the nssm .
You must use cd\ to change directory in the command prompt to the folder in which the nssm file is located before you can do it.
Glad to know you able to. was about to suggest simpler method of using shortcuts and startup.
I hv tried the startup on too. It worked for desktop but not for the server.
I see, windows server… I thought you were using desktop windows 7 as you mentioned beforehand.
Working perfectly