We recently started using server edition and purchased the activation code. Today I visited the Manager site and discovered that there’s no mentioning of Server Edition anymore. What has happened? If it is decided to discontinue it, there should be a message to inform customers. Of course, how shall we get updates?
I was very enthusiastic for starting to use Manager in our company but now I’m really dissapointed.
Server edition is not being discontinued, it will be presented in different way on the website. Technically nothing is changing. We have far too many people confused whether to get server edition or cloud edition when 9 out of 10 the answer is cloud edition.
Also, you can still use cloudfront.net links but there are also new links which automatically point to the latest version:
Hi Lubos,
My server version is 19.6.10. The download .zip does not have a version designation. How do we know when a new server version is released and what its version number is?
Thank you!
@lubos Is there some reason why you are not showing the Server Edition anywhere on the website.
I understand your point about many people being confused about the difference between Server and Cloud Edition and I agree that the vast majority of people want the cloud edition.
The problem I see with your change is that new users will not know about the Server Edition as it is nowhere to be found on the website. The only way that I can get to the self hosting page is via the link you put in the forum. New users won’t be buying the server edition if they don’t know it exists!
At some point next year, I will be looking to get the server version but I don’t want to buy it if it’s going to be discontinued in the future which would be appear to be the case based on the fact that you can no longer find the server edition anywhere on the website. If you are planning on decommissioning the Server edition in a year or two, advance notification would help. Thanks
@dalacor, we won’t be selling server edition separately anymore. Instead we will give every paid customer access to our cloud + perpetual license to self-host. So everyone will simply get both.
We are not planning to discontinue server edition - actually I want to build more tools to make it even easier to self-host.
Currently the website is not making it obvious - I’m not even sure whether cloud edition shouldn’t simply be called server edition and you simply have options to run it on our cloud, public cloud (Digital Ocean, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud etc) or just your private server in your office.
I’m still working on it but there are references on pricing page in FAQ section. See Pricing | Manager
I created this image + update pipeline: Docker Hub
I have already updated managerio a few times effortlessly. With the pipeline you could also generate container updates fully integrated with your release pipeline.
Having self-hosted + unattended updates is a great added value, and it becomes more or less same as cloud without privacy concerns: own your data, etc.
I am willing to help if you want to take over this docker image.
@lubos I would recommend that you maintain the two services as separate.
Cloud - you are providing manager + automatic updates + the hosting service + all the security such as ssl certificates etc + the server on which the cloud is hosted on. You are providing a service - no install, no setup, no IT Technician required to manage the system etc.
Self Hosted Server - You need an IT Technician to set it up and update it and maintain it, you need your own server to install the Manager program and to install ssl security certificates.
They are two completely separate products in that cloud enables users to use a program without any IT expertise, hardware equipment etc to setup Manager, whereas Self Hosted is more for peopel like me who want to control when updates are rolled out, decide on the security in place that we have on our networks etc as well as having an IT team to maintain the program.
Many companies have cloud and self hosted server as two completely separate services. Think of it not as different server versions, but as cloud or self hosted.
A major feature attracting me to Manager is their support for a non-cloud (other companies computer) versions, even should I use the cloud service in the future.
Despite Manager being excellent software, I value my data above the software program.
The issue is some of the major software vendors have realised this and changed their business model to monetize users data (Google, Microsoft, other accounting software etc). The monetization strategies used typically makes the users the product (their data and screen time is sold) and/or the users data becomes remarkably hard to extract once entered, thus locking customer to a progressively less competitive product.
Mangers support for a local server indicates in a very clear manner (actions speak louder than words) that this is not the strategy Manager is intending to employ.
I believe manager would loose customers by making the private server option less visible.
I do however agree the product description should clearly state:- Specialist knowledge is required to support a local server including backup, secure access control, URL maintenance and firewall configuration. As a result many users find the hosted sever a better option overall.
@Patch I fully agree with your post. There is a distinct difference in managing your data inhouse as opposed to outsourcing the IT Management to the cloud. Many people value the Self Hosted option and this is one of the first things that I look for when buying a product. Can I host it myself?
Linking Private Hosting with Cloud Hosting means that many new users will never consider Manager because they won’t click on Cloud Hosting if they are looking for Self Hosting as Self Hosting has nothing to do with Cloud Services. This will result in loss of sales from new companies looking for a self hosted solution.
All that needs to be done is to create a product description for Self Hosting that makes it very clear in non IT terms to end users what the difference is between cloud and self hosted.
We are pretty invested In the in-house server edition so as long as the server edition product develops and the updates remain available we will be happy.