Sans-serif as Default Arabic Font

Hi can we have sans-serif font the default of Arabic version of Manager ?

The current font looks like this:

If we change to sans-serif it will look like this image below:

I think the second one is easier to read and looks nicer. Please share your opinion.

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I agree the current Arabic font is horrible and hard to read but the problem is really with the main fonts Segoe UI Semilight and Arial which fallback to Serif fonts for Arabic. That’s why when I inserted sans-serif as fallback, it still showed Arabic text in Serif.

The only thing that worked was to change the main font to sans-serif and remove Segoe UI and Arial altogether. That worked.

I’m using brave for browser on Windows 11 and I’m not sure how this would affect other languages or other browsers and OSs. So I’m not going to place this in ideas just yet and I will defer this to @lubos.

Both Segoe UI Semilight and Arial are sans-serif fonts.

Also here is how it looks for me with current font lineup (seems correct)

I’m considering just to stick with Noto fonts from Google for consistency.

@Ealfardan what if you remove Arial and use sans-serif fallback? Does it change anything for you?

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Just removing Arial did the trick.

This would mean Arial was being subsituted on system-level by some other font.

I think it’s better if Arial is not mentioned and for Arabic, it should be just 'Segoe UI Semilight', sans-serif

Segoe UI Semilight is less likely to be subsituted on system-level.

Improved in the latest version (25.2.8)