Sales order custom title in email summary

@hmdaadil, what you call a “retainer invoice” most people call a pro forma invoice. You should use a sales quote for these, which you can retitle. That is one of the purposes of sales quotes. Read the Guide about sales quotes.

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@Tut your correct. I have used the same way which you saying. But I face some difficulty in using it, i have tried my best to explain below

@Joe91 gave you the best possible advise regarding lack of following standard accounting procedures. This is causing the issues you try to resolve. Please consult an accountant and explain what you are doing and want to achieve. Then try to see with a test business how you can apply a better procedure in Manager and post here when stuck. The way you are approaching this is overcomplicated and not correct.

Yes, I read that complicated description. You asked for a suggestion and I gave it. I will not give suggestions on how to use the program incorrectly. Your “retainer invoice” is, from an accounting perspective, a quote. So you should use a sales quote. You should not use a sales order because the customer has not ordered anything.

@Tut @eko and @Joe91
Agreed :open_hands:t2: Will not use the sales Order.
Now below is the screenshot of Quote and Retainer Invoice given to client International using Sales Quote

Once payment is received, will generate sales invoice.

Invoice is also paid. But unfortunately had to manually cancel the Sales Quote used as Retainer invoice created to collect the payment. Else it will keep showing as expired in status.

That’s because the Quote and Invoice aren’t linked. If you go to the original Quote and then Copy to > New Sales Invoice then the Quote will automatically be closed.

Yes that’s correct. Now in one sales invoice only one sales Quote will can be connected.

So if i use reference number of Retainer Invoice I have to mark approved quote as cancelled.
Else if use reference number of Approved Quote to sales invoice then have to mark cancelled for other quotes created for customer and Retainer Invoice (sales Quote)

I couldn’t understand your situation, but then again, why would you cancel a quote for which an advance have been received and later invoiced?

In the above Image, #10000009 is the first Quote given to customer and customer rejected it. So I marked cancelled.
#10000013 is the second Quote given to same customer with different Qty. So customer accepted.
Since customer accepted Quote #10000013 created Retainer Invoice(sales Quote) for payment collection #R2000008 and sent to customer.

Once I received the payment from customer generated sales invoice #21220019 by Copy to option from approved Sales Quote #10000013. So in attached image #10000013 shows as status Accepted. And after receiving payment i have manually cancelled #R2000008 since it was showing expired.

Let’s Assume, If Sales order had a option of Custom title, Sale quote #10000009 and #10000013 will be created under sales Quote and I would have created #R2000008 under sales order as #20000008 (number series would continue without Alphabet) with Name Retainer Invoice, sent to customer once payment. Once payment is received.
I would have created Sales Invoice #21220019 with reference of Sale Quote #10000013 and Retainer Invoice(sales order) reference #20000008. As I can connect two references in sales invoice (sales Quote and sales order)

And invoice will look like

@hmdaadil, you need to give up your idea about “retainer invoices.” No matter what title you might give them, sales orders are not meant for that purpose in Manager. So the status monitoring capabilities will never work properly. You can copy transactions to other transactions repeatedly, linking them. So you can send a sales quote, then copy it to another sales quote that you retitle as a pro forma invoice. Then you can copy it again to a sales invoice. Everything in Manager will work correctly. And you will be following standard accounting practices. (I have never in my life heard of a “retainer invoice.”)

@Tut I agree that @hmdaadil should use the capabilities of Manager and even for what is labelled “retainer” invoice, which actually really is practiced see for example difference-between-a-retainer-and-regular-invoice where it explains:

Retainer invoices are documents the firm can provide to the client to ask for funds prior to the project starting. It’s a method of securing services for use when required. In other words, it’s a form of deposit or pre-payment.

Retainers are common in service industry including PR and Law, but as you can see @hmdaadil is actually not taking retainer payments, but advances like 60% for a job to be done and payment of the remaining 40% when completed. So in my view he should after the Sales quote is accepted, copy it to a sales invoice and registers a receipt of 60% against it when the client has paid that. Then upon completion of the job registers another receipt of 40% to completely mark the invoice as paid.

Problem here is in some cases client don’t release payments for Quote. They ask Tax Invoice before making payment, and they take time in more than 20days to complete the full payment. In this case I become liable to pay taxes to the Government without getting fully paid from client, (18% of total Taxable value) or it also happen in some cases client stop service with part payment.
So I am creating Retainer Invoice for collecting payments since Retainer Invoice is not submitted for Tax filling, Orginal invoice is created only after receiving full payment from client. In this case even I am not getting liable to pay tax to Government.

Yes, that is normal practice. Clients pay partial or full invoices not quotes. Quotes just inform the client what your invoice would look like. You need to issue a tax invoice once the client accepts the quote. You will then record the initial 60% you received as a receipt against that invoice and 20 or more days later the balance of 40% as well.

You issue seems much more related to clients not paying their full invoices and I would recommend to follow other business practices in your country that deal with such situation, especially how you can prevent this happening or having to take legal action. Often this deals with the conditions such as late payment fees that you can add to the invoice.

I agree Sales order is not for the purpose what I am using as Retainer Invoice. Since Manager is not having seperate Tab for Retainer Invoice/ Proforma invoice I started using Sales order for that purpose to keep seperate transactions maintained.
If Custom title is there in edit screen of Sales order as in Sales quote and Invoice. Everything will be working fine.
Even now things are working fine as it’s programmed, But Email summery which shows as Sales order to customer in email since title it’s not editable which I pointed at first post.

Sharing some screen from my old accounting and billing application.

Above image gives clear view how it automatically create Retainer if quote is accepted from client side.

I am not requesting any automation or new module. Just for clarification i shared reference image from other application.

So I request who ever reads this post and if you think we can have custom title in sales order. Do support give your inputs.

I tried to explain that you are not practicing a retainer system and thus should not need such. We also tried to explain that you:

  1. Should issue a Sales Quote where you could use a custom field in which you specify the payment conditions, such as expecting 60% upfront and the 40% balance upon completion. You could give this Sales Quote a custom title as per screenshot below.

Screenshot 2022-03-15 at 06.58.32

  1. Then upon receipt of the first payment of 60% you copy the Sales Quote to a Sales Invoice against which you record this initial payment. Then when the job is completed you can resend this Invoice with a request for the remaining balance of 40% which once received you record against this invoice also, which Manager will then mark as Paid.

Added Custom Title in Sales Order from Manager Version 22.10.24. so this solves some of my problems which i was facing.

Thanks everyone.