Custom title for purchase invoice

Hello @Tut this might have been asked before but I could not find the way, could you help me to find away to have a custom tittle for the purchase invoice if the purchase invoice contains Taxes. like that check box in Tax codes thats make a custom title for Sales Invoices and credit note.

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Please do not divert topics with unrelated questions. Yours is not really about tax codes for customers and suppliers, but about titles. It has been moved to its own topic.

The reason there is no custom title option on purchase invoices is that they are internal records, and VAT regulations around the world do not address them. So there is no requirement that they receive different titles because they include tax codes.

However, if you want to change the title on your purchase invoices, you can. You must use a custom theme. See I doubt it is worth the effort.

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Wow. Two Tuts. :grin:

We have custom title on Purchase Orders. I really need custom title on purchase invoices as well.

Why? What is your justification?

One client of mine ( dealing with real estate ) wanted to add the word “contract” to the title. Another one wanted to name it “Vendor/Supplier Invoice”. Usually the invoice is not payed with cash but with other properties or services and the supplier is asked to stamp and sign the purchase invoice.

I am a little bit confused, usually you receive the purchase invoice from supplier, why he will concern about your way of recording it in your system. it’s an internal matter which is not related to other third parties.



I understand what you mean. But here it servers as an external document between the business and the supplier.

Was it ever considered an ‘Idea’ to be able to have a Custom Title field for the Purchase Invoice - just as can be done in the Sales Invoice currently ? If not, is it possible to add this to the list of Ideas? Thanks

In my case it is not just an internal matter. I am now required by ATO to issue something called a “Recipient-Created Tax Invoice”, and to email this invoice to my Supplier.

According to the ATO

What information must an RCTI contain?

16. An RCTI must satisfy the information requirements under subsection 29-70(1) including:

  • that the document was intended to be a recipient created tax invoice.*

I put in a footer (in bold) that states that the invoice is a Recipient Created Tax Invoice and have been told that is acceptable.

Being able to do it in the invoice as a Custom title would be better though.

Edited to include ATO link


Ok so can anyone (@lubos) (@anybody?) tell me how we escalate this to an ‘IDEA’ so that it, at the very least, is considered?

@clive It is currently in ideas how you can tell is the the little words under the topic name.

Given that the official document is issued by the supplier, I am at a loss as to why the copy issued by the customer’s accounting system has any relevance or purpose whatsoever.

All art galleries issue recipient generated invoices to artists when items sell as they are held on consignment. I get monthly invoices from the gallery that holds my work listing what they sold less commission and the balance they are paying to me. For the gallery I do bookwork for, I ended up creating a custom theme to fix the heading to read Artist Sales Statement instead of Purchase Invoice. I did use Payments first off but find using Purchase Invoices a better option to keep track of sales of artworks throughout the month before payment actually occurs

Would you be kind enough to show how and where you managed to change the heading of a Purchase Invoice please? What line in the Theme did you change? Thanks in advance

Line 6, where it says title in brackets, remove the brackets and type your title instead

Perfect - thanks!! It works too!! :slight_smile: