Sales Invoice Items Reporting

I have one business in manager where insurance policies are sold by the employees/sales agents and sales invoices are than sent to the broker for the policy commission and from that commission when received agents are paid 50% commission…

I have created Sale Items like Car Insurance, Health Insurance etc…
also I have created Tracking code with agents name…

How can I create a report to see how many Car, Health Insurances were sold and total revenue generated by each agent?


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If you are using tracking codes for agents, then you will need to generate profit & loss statement for that tracking code.

You can generate P&L on cash-basis, this way you can make sure agents are paid commissions only on paid invoices.

Thanks… I know that bit about tracking codes in reports…
How can I generate Sales Items report…

Would you please give me SQL query for this custom report.

Report for Sales Invoice Items
Showing total quantity in invoices issued,end of the month i.e. 1-12-15 to 31-12-15.

Another report

Showing Agents(tracking codes) and no of Sales Items sold monthly

Tracking Code–Item1—revenue------Item2–revenue------item3—Revenue----Total Items----Revenue

Thanks @lubos

Currently, custom reports are too limited to allow for this. But you will be able to get these reports in the future. Ask in about a month. It could be possible by then.

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Hi I’m struggling with the same issue so wonder if any update ?

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Still no progress on documentation for custom reports.