there should be an option for rounding off in purchase invoice or option to directly write the amount that the supplier rounded off in the invoice. it should be purely optional like in sales invoice @lubos
Purchase invoices should be entered to match the supplier’s numbers. If the supplier rounds, enter their numbers.
Rounding for sales invoices involves allocating the rounding amount to a designated account. Rounding for purchase invoices is just a price reduction.
true. but the simple solution would be just adding a checkbox of rounding off in purchase invoice.
whatever you are saying @tut is an indirect solution. It would be very easy for everyone to just click and select rounding off.
My point is that if you round off, but the supplier didn’t, your purchase invoice does not match the supplier’s sales invoice. In that case, the difference has to be allocated somewhere. Can you provide an example where you independently decide to round off the supplier’s invoice?
well rounding off should be optional likewise in sales invoice. if the supplier uses it then it should be used else not. so the sales invoice amount of supplier will be matched with the purchase invoice. and if supplier didnt rounded off the amount then it should’t be used. also currently rounding off button has 2 options which is round off to nearest and round off to below. if possible to add a third option to directly write the exact amount which needed to be rounded off… it will be easy and sophisticated.
this is an alternate option which can be used if adding a rounding off option is not possible to include and implement. but i dont think that adding rounding off option will be diffcult for @lubos
I think you are missing my point. No matter what the supplier does, your purchase invoice must match the supplier’s sales invoice. You cannot enter a different number. Rounding on sales invoices is a choice you can make. Rounding on purchase invoices is not your choice.
true . thats i m saying if supplier choose the rounding off option then it will be used else not.
You still miss the point. Rounding for a supplier might make sense, but the program then posts the rounding portion of the price to a special expense account that appears automatically. You simply cannot do that with someone else’s price. And you have not explained why you want to.
well i had a sales invoice from supplier. he mentioned the rate of each product. when i created the purchase invoice i used the same rate as used by the supplier. then i add the taxes like same way the supplier used. at last supplier uses rounding off option. so at last there is difference in the sales invoice created by supplier and the purchase invoice created by me.
As u mentioned to create an expense account which is a way to deduct the round off the money.
It will best if rounding off option is available in purchase invoice too. with three options in it like rounding off to nearest, rounding off to down, last option to enter exact amount by the user to round off the money from total amount. @Tut @lubos
But that scenario hasn’t been mentioned or under consideration, what is though - “the amount that the supplier rounded off in the invoice”. i.e. The supplier rounded first.
False, the rounding amount for the purchase invoice also involves an allocation to an account, otherwise, just as a price reduction it would affect the tax calculation.
The Suppliers Sales Invoice
The Manager Users Purchase Invoice
But the purchase invoice can’t match, the purchase invoice needs to have an additional account line added which the supplier’s sales invoice doesn’t have - refer to the above examples.
However, if as being (simply) requested, that the purchase invoice has a rounding option then the purchase invoice “can match” the supplier’s invoice
Purchase Invoice with rounding option
And this is the point you are not getting - the programme doesn’t round the any portion of the price - it rounds a portion of the invoice total, after adding up the calculations of the prices.
Once again a User has done nothing but submit a suggested improvement, only to have it adversely debated because it doesn’t suit the personal perspective of another User - its not that User’s call to make such judgements…
I will add this to the Ideas category as there is logic to have the option to have purchase invoices entered in the same format as the sales invoices are presented.
manager is a platform which evolve with time with needed modifications. @Tut
the above pictures exactly describing what i want to say.
the simple solution is to just add a rounding off option rather creating some expense account and deduct money to match with supplier invoice.
The issue is that I’m not entirely sure rounding as implemented on invoices is even a good solution.
It doesn’t take into account taxes. For example, if amount payable is $180.00 and GST is 10%, then GST amount should be $16.36 but Manager will calculate GST before rounding as $16.39.
So before rounding is going to be added to purchase invoices, it needs to be re-implemented on sales invoices first.
The current rounding as implemented works perfectly, as nothing is broke there is nothing to fix.
Rounding shouldn’t take into account the taxes as rounding is a financial adjustment to the Invoice’s total, it’s not an adjustment on the transactions making up the total. Taxes should remain true to the line item price.
How would you proportionally adjust the taxes if the invoice had both taxable and non-taxable items and the invoice total rounding was only small, say 0.09. If the taxable items added up to be 60% of the total, are you going to attempt to adjust the taxes for 60% of the 0.09.
As I am not registered for GST I constantly run into problems trying to get the purchase invoice totals to match.
Generally, the supplier will enter each unit price ex GST and the qty.
Each line will be totalled at the ex gst price
an ex gst total will be at the bottom of the invoice with a line below for the GST figure.
GST will be added as one figure (10% of the subtotal) to arrive at the invoice total.
As I don’t use GST in Manager, I have to enter each items value at the inc GST figure and have each line total be the total inc GST.
Rarely does my invoice total equal the suppliers invoice total and I spend many minutes tweeking figures here and there until I can get it to match. This often will involve changing multiple items pricing by small values. e.g. I may change a price of $191.565 to $191.56505 and this type of change may have to happen on multiple lines until I can get it to match.
This is VERY frustrating.
I would LOVE an easier, and quicker, solution to this issue.
If your version is earlier then 18.9.91 then you need to update.
A calculator has been added where you could enter the cost as - price x GST.
Hi Brucanna,
I have the latest version installed but I don’t think you understand my issue.
I have no issue calculating the inc gst pricing, as that is actually stored as the buy price in each inventory item.
The problem is with the total invoice value.
I enter individual items at inc gst prices but suppliers enter them as ex gst prices.
The supplier adds gst as one line at the end. i.e. 10% of the total of all items purcahsed.
As an example.
I may have 50 lines on an invoice and each line is for multiple qty(such as 36 or more)
The total invoice value rarely matches exactly due to the way the GST is added at the end by teh supplier but to each item by me.
It can be hard to evenly adjust values to make the totals match and usually comes down to making price adjustments to item pricing by values like $0.000567 etc.
It would be great if I could just adjust the invoice total and the difference be evenly spread over all lines or applied to a rounding account, or something like that.
I hope this makes sense.
I know what I mean but think I am having trouble articulating it properly.
Well you can do that, enter your 50 line items using your individual items at inc gst prices.
If your purchase invoice total varies from the suppliers sales invoice by a few cents, then add another line to your purchase invoice and select a self created Account called “Rounding” (*) and put that variance there.
(*) You could use any other existing account, say Bank Charges, if you don’t want an extra account with very small amounts which can be both debits and credits.
PS: This topic is where the Supplier rounds their Sales Invoice, say to the nearest dollar - 180.33 becomes 180.00, rather then rounding due to calculation variance which is your situation.
Is there any update on rounding off in purchase invoice ? @lubos
I just created a Chart of Account called Vat Rounding and just put a penny in or penny less into VAT Rounding account when the suppliers invoice and manager’s invoice don’t round the same way.
Far simpler this way than trying to work out what they have rounded an item to. At the end of the day, all you need to ensure is that the total at the bottom balances so that your payments in Manager and on your bank statements always match. The government doesn’t care about the penny/cent out on VAT or GST.