Is it possible to have batch create/update in Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs Budget)?
This is about batch update in the budget column, right? Because the actual is coming from already entered data?
Yes. Batch create and batch update
Dear @lubos,
here I am again with the same proposal.
We calculate and plan our budget in Excel (also with third parties’ help for specific parts).
Also, our P&L is quite long.
Also, we have different Businesses.
Is it possible to enable batch create and update for Budget in order to reduce the time consuming of this task?
Also, is it possible to extend Budget to the whole General Ledgers Accounts, ie add Balance Sheet’s accounts?
(Maybe we should exclude the bank and cash accounts)
I don’t think that it’s so useful planning the P&L and not taking into consideration the changes of the inventory, of the working capital, of the loans and so on which have a big impact on the cash flow.
Whilst I understand your point @Davide regarding “impact on the cash flow”, however, budgets are a completely different product (report) to cash flow statements. Budgets are static, that is August’s budget doesn’t affect September’s budget whereas cash flow is dynamic, that is, the cash movements in August affects the opening September cash position.
Besides, budgets for non-cash P&L accounts, such as depreciation, don’t affect cash flow.
Net cash flow is static like it is P&L.
Besides, I simply cannot understand how someone can plan the P&L without taking into consideration changes in the inventory… same thing for interest on loans.
If you want to really plan your business and manage your company, you should plan both BS and P&L (and indirectly you get the CF).
Not in my world. At the start of the year you create a cash flow and budget.
As each month passes, the cash flow gets updated based on the completed month’s activities so the year end projection is being constantly revised, however the budget for a future month doesn’t changed because the budget for a completed month has under or over performed.
Quite simply by taking up the expected P&L and BS inventory changes separately.
Let say the business is car sales and it budgets for 4 car sales in July at a selling price of 50,000 with a cost price of 30,000.
The P&L Sales budget is 200,000 and the P&L Cost of Sales budget is 120,000. From the P&L perspective, that is taking into account changes in inventory.
However the P&L changes on inventory can be quite different to the BS changes on inventory for the same period. For example, in August, being the holiday month, you may expect to sell 7 cars, therefore in July you may purchase an additional 10 cars.
So for the month of July the cash flow is 10 by 30,000 (300,000) out and 4 by 50,000 (200,000) in so a negative cash flow of 100,000, however the P&L has a profit of 80,000 and with all changes in inventory fully accounted for.
It depends so much on how simple the inventory management is.
Your assumption is true for your world, ie for standardised businesses but not for the ones based on production orders.
I think that Manager should be versatile for both. Expanding the mapped fields for budget does not affect the actual users and gives more instruments for others.
Both of them can be adjusted each month and are affected from the past. One starts from retained earnings of the previous period the other from the cash in hand.
But again, it depends so much on the business typology. If it is an activity based on production orders each month is strictly linked to the previous one.
I am unsure how the production orders changes anything. The basic production order converts raw material inventory into finished goods inventory. This is a BS transfer process and may have no impact on the cash flow in the month of the production as the raw materials may have been purchased in prior months. .
I understand that you use Manager in a way that is non-conventional, via properties, investors and legal reporting but this doesn’t change the basic premise about budget and cash flow reporting.
In this discussion I am not saying that Manager can’t improve its functionality with regards to both budgets and cash flow, just that there is a clear differential between the two.
Once again - unsure how when it comes to budgets. If July’s sale budget is 10,000 and the actual result is 8,000 or 12,000, then the August budget doesn’t get adjust up or down by the July result, whereas the August cash flow forecast would be adjusted by the July results.
Perhaps I am not clearly understanding your particular needs.
In my case, ie real estate investments, the “raw materials” are purchased just in time since I’m not the direct developer.
This affect the budget, mainly cost of sales, since I cannot have one inventory item for each real estate unit. It would be impossible to manage them this way since each business has thousands of units. So they are grouped by destination of use and by buildings.
Each production order increase the inventory and each sale decrease it depending on the commercial surface linked to each real estate unit.
Shortly and simplified my issue is that my cost of sale is very fluctuant. So I need a financial budget, ie a budgeted BS plus a traditional budget, ie a budgeted P&L.
That is already under Ideas - Budget Balance Sheet