Budget Balance Sheet

Is it possible to add to the reports Budgeting balance sheet, as well as the income statement.
Do you allow to do Budgeting all major accounts, income, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity.
Thank you.

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I’m not really sure what would be the purpose of budgeted balance sheet but quick google search shows it is in fact a thing. I will put it under ideas for now.

I searched, too, when this topic was first opened. Balance sheet budgets seem to be the product of fairly sophisticated economic modeling and cash flow projections. I didn’t move this to the ideas category because it seemed far beyond the scope of the rest of the program. It really doesn’t seem to be an accounting tool at all, but a strategic planning tool. As part of a master budget package, it requires information not available from Manager.

I think, would be uselful to have a report (as the current P&L budget). So basically, user would prepare the model outside of Manager and enter the forcasted balance for an specified date in the report definition (the same way we already do with P&L) . The report then, will compare the actual balance resulting from the accounting records versus the forecasted balance entered by the user in the report definition.

We are a not-for-profit. Each year we set our budget, including fixed asset acquisitions. We have to confirm available budget before funds can be expended. Without a budget report that includes fixed assets we have to keep multiple spreadsheets. Then reporting budget status to the Board of Directors becomes even more difficult as fixed assets are not available in Manager Budget Report. Please reconsider adding this capability. Fixed Asset budgeting is extremely common in companies of all sizes in my country.

Please add Budgets to balance sheet Now

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