Report transformation are gone!

All my custom reports that were created from the report transformation setting are gone from the Reports tab. I rely on it to generate some very important reports.
I hope this is a bug and is fixed soon, re-creating all these reports again needs a lot of effort and time.

The report transformation disappeared from the setting tab also, the Extensions disappeared.
what is going on here?!

  • Keep a backup of your data file which has not been opened by later versions of Manager

  • older version of Manager program are available on github see Restoring data issue - #2 by Patch

That will enable you to see the definitions of all your old reports.

I don’t know what is planned for report transformations / extension but assume similar functionality will be maintained to address the full range a country specific localisations required.

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Report transformations is “plumbing” of the program to facilitate country-specific extensions.

This is very unstable feature which will continue to evolve as I learn what is required for individual countries.

If you use Manager with country selected, then report transformations, extensions and reporting categories will be hidden because I want to discourage people using these specific features.

If you use Manager without country selected, then these components will be visible.

@Ehab what exactly you are doing with these report transformations that is specific to you only? Why those report transformations cannot be part of the global repository and be available to everyone?

I agree with most of that with the exception of extensions. I thought they were a tool to enable custom actions as well as a platform to interact with Manager as well as 3rd party API.

Why is that? I had such high hopes for extensions.

I’m not sure if this is best, some businesses have special needs and may want to utilize report transformations even after selecting a country.

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The VAT return report is the main.

You force us to share all of our tax rates and how to use each rate, as well as a custom VAT return report that could be inappropriate for some other business.
That’s is very disappointing.

OK. I think Extensions could be available whether country is selected or not since it is just a mechanism to inject javascript. But since this javascript often integrates with HTML DOM which is subject to change without notice, so can extensions break without notice. When extensions are part of global repository such as QR codes, then I make sure they do not break when upgrading.

I honestly don’t mind extensions being available to everyone but one has to be aware they can simply break without notice because it is custom code after all.

If extensions are used widely, then people would be anxious to upgrade.

Fair enough. It will be always possible to not select any country and have private report transformations, reporting categories, tax codes etc.

The report transformations you have created have been left behind in the old implementation. I didn’t write upgrade script to roll them over into new implementation because I simply didn’t think anybody is using this feature outside of localization efforts (those have been rolled over). So I apologize for that. I can easily write the upgrade script which can convert the old ones.

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