Hi Josiah,
I’m from the Netherlands and fortunately we don’t have a mandatory set of accounts like you have in Belgium.
Unfortunately Manager doesn’t have the possibility to import a set of accounts. You will have to enter them one by one manually.
I know, it can be a lot of work, depending on the size of your company/business. Be careful, Manager has some “system-accounts and control-accounts”. Use these accounts.
Lots of success, Manager is definitely worth the time it takes to enter your Belgian set of accounts.
Also, @Josiah, be cautious in setting up your chart of accounts, because once you post entries to an account, you will not be able to delete it without deleting or reallocating those transactions. In other words, an account that seems useful now will remain with forever unless you take what might be tedious actions to get rid of it.
I strongly suggest creating a test company first to make sure you have things right without endangering your real data. You can then backup and re-import the test company as a new business to carry over the chart of accounts. Hopefully, at that point you will only have a few transactions to delete to get back to a clean starting point.