I recall seeing a comment about this recently - possibly from lubos. I think his point was that we control payslips and sales invoices… but with purchase invoices, while we might know that they’re a regular monthly occurrence, we aren’t the ones that issue them, and therefore it’s not really our responsibility to create them until we receive the invoice from our supplier.
That said, I think it would be helpful to serve as a reminder that we need to log a particular subscription in Manager. If I get notified on the 10th of the month that my phone bill is usually issued around this time, I can go and retrieve the bill they sent me and attach it to the new purchase invoice immediately.
TL:DR; I see benefit in this too and would appreciate having it available.
Quick comment though - the title of thread is a little deceiving. Instead of “Recurring payments” perhaps it should say “Recurring purchase invoices”?
In general, @ShaneAU, I agree with the thought you expressed (whether it is also your personal opinion or not). For repetitive purchase invoices, I find cloning more than adequate. But I can also imagine situations where someone might want to have that reminder. Remember, something being in the Ideas category isn’t meant as an endorsement, just an opportunity for feedback.