I am posting this as an idea on the public forum at @lubos’ request, after first raising the issue with him privately.
The latest implementation of tax-inclusive versus tax-exclusive receipts and payments leaves much to be desired, especially when considered along with layouts for other transaction types. Overall, Manager now uses different terminology for the same quantity, price, and tax information on different forms, fails to clearly identify whether prices and amounts are tax-exclusive or -inclusive, entirely omits the untaxed amount in some tax-exclusive cases (making it non-compliant in some jurisdictions), and involves three different presentations of the same basic data in different situations:
- Tax-exclusive receipts and payments
- Tax-exclusive forms of other types
- Tax-inclusive forms of all types
It could all be so much simpler. I am not proposing any changes to item codes, descriptions, or line-item custom fields, but only to what I will refer to as the financial information displayed on completed forms.
Let’s start with the premise that fewer different formats and standard terminology are desirable. So let’s define terms that could be used across all situations:
- Quantity (abbreviated as Qty)
- Unit price (label for unit price from a tax-exclusive form)
- Unit price with tax (label for unit price from a tax-inclusive form)
- Tax code (rather than tax rate, to match terminology elsewhere in the program and be less confusing if the code has a name that does not include a numerical percentage)
- Tax (the actual tax amount)
- Amount without tax (label for product of quantity and tax-exclusive unit price)
- Amount with tax (label for product of quantity and tax-inclusive unit price)
Now, formatting comes down to what is displayed by transaction type. I suggest the following columns and content. Note that the same layout would be used on all forms. Only the column labels change. Variables are the same as already present. Entry screens do not change, only the View of finished transactions, and only for the financial information columns:
Type | Qty | Unit price |
Unit price with tax |
Tax code |
Tax | Amount w/out tax |
Amount with tax |
Tax-exclusive | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Tax-inclusive | X | X | X | X | X |
The totals section of all forms would also be standardized. The tax-exclusive and -inclusive versions would match the current layout on invoices. That is:
- Tax-exclusive transactions would list Sub-Total, Tax Totals for each tax code, and Total or Balance Due as appropriate. The option to suppress the total on sales quotes would remain.
- Tax-inclusive transactions would list Total, Includes… for each tax code, and Balance Due if appropriate.
- Mini-statement information, where currently listed, would remain unchanged.
This simplification would have the benefit of always looking at the same things in the same places on all transaction forms. The label changes would make it clear whether the transaction is tax-exclusive or tax-inclusive. And it would provide line-item level tax mount information as many users have requested.