API "Amounts are tax exclusive" column TRUE or FALSE

When viewing income from records from the Receipt module, extracted with API, it seems there is no way of knowing if UnitPrice is tax inclusive or tax exclusive. See two examples below. The second example, without the „Amounts are tax exclusive“ checked, should show income of 80,6 in spreadsheet as tax is inclusive.

@lubos, can you add additional column for the „Amounts are tax exclusive“ as True or False in Receipt and Payment modules, similar to the “QuantiyColumn” and “UnitpriceColumn” columns ?

This should be in line with the following idea, to better show distinction between tax exclusive and tax inclusive Recommendation for standardization of transaction layout

Any queries you make to the API retrieves whatever fields are in the json objects.

The json object contain only those fields that are set by the user, so if you don’t see “amounts are tax inclusive” field then this means that none of the objects have it checked.

If you want to know all the fields available (almost, except custom fields), you can load the field list from batch create or batch update functions which can serve as a rough schema.

yes absolutely true, I was using old connection which was set up from when the Amounts tax exclusive wasnt used so once the field was used it didnt come through. Will delete post

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