Recipients emails are being clipped

Is there any way to prevent recipients emails from being clipped Eg Gmail shows garbled info as do some other such as Hotmail etc

The invoice does include a Logo…is this a cause?

Can you please post a screenshot of it.


The screenshot is not clear, please take one that is clear.
Clear meaning high resolution.

Could be or customs theme or whatever. Please provide the edit screen of the view screen that you wanted to email with Manager. Make it large enough so we can read it. Also ensure it is the complete screen so we can see all the necessary info including if it is an invoice, receipt, report, etc.

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Also, what Edition (Cloud, Desktop (Windows, Linux, Mac) or Server (Windows, Linux, Mac)), and which version (should be same as listed on If the version is not up to date, make a backup of each business and install the update. Cloud edition is updated by Manager.

Also try to create a test business and only enable some basic tabs and enter the smtp information and try to send an email. You can also try to send an email using:

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Its the recipients of the emails who are getting the garbled emails…not all mind you. Most of our members ( Customers) get it it displayed correctly. It’s those with Gmail, Hotmail and some other accounts.

Please answer eko’s questions.
As they will give us a better idea as to what is happening.
It is odd that only some are messed up.
But we need more information.

using desktop version on W10. Tried it yesterday and logo KB size makes a difference to recipients email. Reduced the kb size of logo down to 40 and this seems to fix some recipients emails, but not others…some also get the logo while others dont…its all weird. Its just not Gmail that clips the image, so to does some others such as Hotmail, and including some local internet suppliers in Australia. I can send from clubs’ desktop to my email ( with a 1meg logo no problems. sending this size to club memebrs on Gmail just ends up with gobbledy gook …scroll to bottom of all that and their is a click on link that says see unclipped email. Changed log size to 40Kb and sent again…invoice showed up but with the logo. I have latest version as I have just taken on treasurers job for the club. August 2024

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What is the format (e.g. .png or .jpeg) of the logo image file?

In some cases permissions of recipients emails are restricted to text-only, i.e. they do not allow html. If you are using standard English you should consider enabling the “obsolete” PDF generator in Settings and when trying to email an invoice enable it on the email screen:

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Did you try the obsolete PDF generator? Note that inconsistent display of inline .jpg images in email clients like Hotmail, Outlook, and Gmail happens because:

  1. Security Settings: Clients often block images by default for safety, requiring users to enable them manually, leading to differences.
  2. Different Platforms: The way emails are shown can vary between web, mobile, and desktop versions of the same client.
  3. Image Hosting Issues: Problems with the server hosting the images, like slow loading or security settings (HTTP vs. HTTPS), can cause images not to load correctly.
  4. Client-Specific Issues: Some email clients, like Outlook, use unique ways to display emails, which can cause problems with images.
  5. User Settings: Different user preferences, like blocking external images, can affect image display.

These factors cause images to display inconsistently, even within the same email client, hence the advise to try the obsolete PDF generator as the PDF files will be attached and do not have such inline HTML+CSS email rendering issues.

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OKAY I will try that

the PDF seem to work OK. looks like I will need to keep that.