Question on stock


Is it possible to create two manager accounts (therefore two different companies) with the same stock, please?

Thank you in advance for your answers

If you mean two different businesses which have the same inventory (I am using the terminology used by Manager as that makes it clearer what we are talking about) then No

Each business has its own inventory, income, expenses etc

Depending on the nature and format of the businesses you are trying to account for, it may be possible to account for them in the one Business in Manager

How can you have two businesses sharing inventory? Or are they two divisions of the one business?

Not in the manner you just described, however, there are solutions depending on the legal form.

Case 1: The two businesses are really just two divisions of the same entity (you know that when the law doesn’t require stand-alone returns for each business). In that case you should create one company that has two tracking codes, one for each division.

Case 2: The two businesses are separate legal entities (each has to present it’s own returns) AND you have a legal agreement for joint control of inventories. In that case, an artificial vehicle (also called special purpose entity, which is just a fancy name for a “third business”) should be created to run the inventory and then each business should consolidated their stake on pro-rata basis.

Case 3: The two businesses are separate legal entities (each has to present it’s own returns) AND you don’t have a legal agreement for joint control of inventories. In that case, they can still share the storage but each company is required to separate it’s own stock. Any transfers between the two companies must be reflected as a sale and purchase at arm’s length prices.

@JulieD, perhaps what you meant was whether you can open a new business that just has the same inventory items defined as another business. (Not sharing inventory.) You can do that using the batch operation functions, beginning in one company, copying inventory from the Batch Update process, and using that in the Batch Create process in the new company. Read the Guide about batch operations.