QR Code in template position

Can somebody tell me where to find the QR code in the tempale, I want to fix the position from bottom-right to bottom-center, please share the template/table code that need to fix the QR in the invoice sales.

Hi @Neno_Gari_Program_me, welcome to the forum.

To control the placement of the QR code, just create a div with id “qrcode”.

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Thank you for quick response:), but in the invoice/ purchase sale is already inserted automatically when I show it in the view/print/pdf.

Can the developer change it to bottom-center as default.

The qr code will only be inserted in the first container with id “qrcode” and since the built-in container is placed after the theme, if you place any container within the theme, that should disable the default Qr Code placement.

Give it a go and you will get the hang of it.

Please make a screenshot of the area by using Windows’ Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch. After making the screenshot simply use Copy (Ctrl+C) and then enter it into the message by using paste (Crtl+V).

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You cannot expect program modifications to reflect your personal layout design choices. Where would that end? Custom themes support your personal aesthetic preferences.

That reminds me, @Neno_Gari_Program_me is a first time poster and I jumped right into the deep waters.

Back to the beginning, you can change the layout to match your preferences by using custom themes.

@Neno_Gari_Program_me, you can refer to the following guides to learn how you can customize how your documents are displayed: