QIF-code for Payer for import in bank-account

I want to import QIF-file in bank-account. When I use QIF-code P (Payee) the corresponding item is placed in the field Description. Which QIF-code should I use for the field Payer? Code M does not work.

I like your program very much, it is easy to understand and very logical. Also this forum is very useful.

P code doesn’t import as Payee. I know that’s what specification says but in reality it’s a bit messy.

One way to do it would be to use Bank rules where you could set some rules such as if description contains zzzz, set payee as yyyy. This way you could see under payee what makes sense to you, not what your bank puts in there.

I think I was not very clear about my problem. Because the CSVfile of the INGbank was not convertible to a qif-file (I think because the datefield is numeric in the CSVfile, example: ,20150722,) I made an Excelconversionsheet from which the Qif-file is readable in Manager Io. I am able to set Qif-code in the way I want. So the question is which lettercode I should use to get certain data in the field Payer of Manager io?

OK, check the latest version (15.3.64). The letter code to use for payee field is A.

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Thank you.

Kindly regards,


Hi Lubos,
It is not very difficult to convert digital bank-output to the qif-format which your excellent program desires as input, I do this with Excel and with formulas (not with VB-scipt). I make a tab Input in which I copy the bank-output e.g. ING-CSV-file. Then I make a tab Output in which I make on the first column 5 lines with the number 1, then 5 lines with the number 2 and so on to number 2000, this because I have about 1000 bank-account-lines a year and I want some overshoot. For the numbering I have a formula. I use the numbering to set a relation to each line in the tab Input, thus 5 lines in the tab Output correspond constantly with 1line in the tab Input. Then i made for each set of 5 equal numbers different formulas to generate the qif-output. The lines in each set are: Ddate for the date, Tamount for the amount, Pdescription for the description, Apayer for the payer and the endmark of a record symbol ^. In the lines I use formulas to find the fieldseperation , and other unique points in the records in the tab Input. i copy The column in the tab Output with the qif-information to Notepad and in Notepad I save the file as Output.qif. This file I can Import in Manager io.
If you are interested I send you my Excalsheey.

Hi @Hans_Bakels, do you still have this excel sheet? Would love to look at it. I’m having problems with converting xls statements to qif. Thanks!

Convert your xls to csv and then use this online CSV to QIF site to convert your file to QIF format.

I have not used the site but it appears to be OK.

This helps for me it might also help you. Download a MT940 file from the bank (in Holland most bank offer this format). Before saving the file type the .sta extension behind the filename (filename.sta) and press save. Now you can import it into Manager (at least it works for me).

thank you @compuit. i am looking at options that will allow me to convert offline. i’m not very comfortable with converting my account statements online.

thanks @Frankie! will try this out. so far though, i haven’t found the option to download with an .sta extension. The only option I see now is pdf.

Hi Eric, this is not an option you can choose you have to type the .sta extension directly behind the filename. If you save it as it is it’s (probably) getting the .txt extension. Please let me know if it works for you it might help others too.