Purchase order status

When a Purchase Order is fulfilled and converted to a Purchase Invoice, is there a way to separate it from the other Purchase Orders.

This is so that you’d know which purchase orders are still outstanding and which aren’t.

Also, when a purchase order is converted to purchase invoice ONCE, there should be a block that disables users to copy it into a purchase invoice again by mistake.

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This is really good idea. The same is required for sales quotes to see which are pending customer approval, which have been declined or accepted.

So what are the statuses you would need for purchase orders to distinguish them from eachother?

I was going to suggest this also as I think it’s a good idea.
Other software I have trialled have a column that says “converted”
There is also a tickbox filter at the top that says show open, converted or both which I also thought was good.
You could apply this to quotes and orders.


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Well, personally, I would imagine that if a purchase order was fulfilled and converted to Purchase Invoice that I wouldn’t actually consider it a purchase order anymore and wouldnt need to see it in the purchase order tab at all.

But, I feel that some people would not like that idea and would still want to see converted purchase orders still in that tab. Hence, I would simply want them to be segregated with the status showing “order received” and for the remaining to say “order outstanding”. Also, all the orders with the status “order received” should be at the bottom, separating them from the outstanding orders. This would be similar to Sales Invoices where the invoices that are paid would have a green status saying “paid” (and be at the bottom) and the ones still due would be in red saying “x days over due” (and are at the top).

But im sure you would find a great way of distinguishing the two as you have in the past with most of your other modules.

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