
It would be great if it is allowed to select quotation number along with quotation description instead of Project Name only

Why? What is your justification? A project might rely on many sales quotes. Likewise, a sales quote might be used for many projects. More importantly, however, sales quotes do not allow selection of projects, because projects track income and costs, while sales quotes have no financial impact. So it is not clear where the selection you refer to would occur.

Thank you Tut for explaining. For me, full quotation is directly considered as a project and would like to track the expenses & profits of the same. It will be also good if is allowed to select multiple quotations in the project

Instead of typing Quotation Number & Description manually, should be allowed to select Quote# & Description as a Project Description. Anyhow, quotation has no financial impact on project.

Maybe for you, but that is not how the program is designed.

Indeed, that is exactly what the program allows. But since sales quotes have no impact on either expenses or profits, your suggestion seems irrelevant.

What would be the point, since none would have any impact?

You still have not explained where you would make this selection. And, wherever you would do it, if you want to relate your projects to sales quote numbers, why don’t you simply name them by quote number?

Instead of typing Project Description manually, I would like to select Quotation # & Quotation Description as that is what I name the project. Also in invoice Description I use the same description as Quotation. To keep unified, I would like to keep the project name as quotation & invoice description. The selection request is simply for description purpose only, not for any financial impact.

Yes, you have repeated that several times. But where?

If you have named the project by quote number and description, that is what will appear in the dropdown menu for Project selection. There is nothing to type. Rather than repeat yourself again, please explain what you are really trying to do and why naming your projects as you say you are does not address your need.

If we are creating new Project and want to name the project, Instead of typing manually, I want the Quotation Number & Description as that will be my project name.