Production order display dates are not on dates as actual created date

@lubos - We have created production orders for an inventory item as below

Production Order Issue Date Display date
#04 25/06/2021 19/07/2021
#07 26/06/2021 19/07/2021
#10 26/06/2021 19/07/2021
#11 28/06/2021 19/07/2021
#15 01/07/2021 19/07/2021
#17 02/07/2021 19/07/2021
#19 03/07/2021 19/07/2021
#21 05/07/2021 19/07/2021
#23 05/07/2021 19/07/2021

The production orders are expected to be displayed on the dates those were created. But, I noticed that, in case of only one particular inventory item (inventory item tab), the production orders are displayed on a different later date while there was no production order display problem of other inventory items. The problem for display noticed were for production orders of different dates before all were displayed on same later date of 19/07/2021 (screenshot attached below). As a result, it may been the actual stock were in mess showing needless minus figures

Just to make sure, I checked the display status in Production Order tab, but found no problem - all are showing as expected on the date those were created.

However, out of curiosity, I decided to check display behavior in the same business which that I had backed up a week earlier. Very interestingly, checking the same item in inventory tab, the display was in perfect sequence of the dates as the production orders created dates. The screenshot may be seen as below

I would confirm that items of bill of materials were available. It is to be noted, the production display were perfect on same as created dates in same business backed up 7 days before.
This led me believe that it might be a bug. Therefore, I would ask @lubos attention to solve the issue.

I was going to mention that this was intentional until I read this:

This does appear to be a bug

May be this will help. After above date of 19/07/2021, again, the production order of same inventory item show display on date it is created expected as normal behavioural pattern.

That is a broad statement, and might not be technically true, even when you think it is. Factors to consider include:

  • Were all of the inventory items on the bill of materials purchased or manufactured prior to the date of the production order in question?
  • What are the inventory tracking preferences set to for each of the items in the Inventory Items tab?
  • If quantities to be received are being tracked, were goods receipts created for all prior purchases of the item?

The behavior you describe sounds exactly like an insufficient quantity was encountered. Before jumping to the conclusion there is a bug, you need to exclude all possibilities that could be related to that. Start by looking at purchase transactions on the days the production orders appear that are later than dates you expected.

@Tut ,thank you for your attention.

How you will justify that the production order of same numbers displays on same date it is created ​in the same business I luckily backed up 7 days earlier. If there were issues of insufficient quantities or Purchase orders dates or whatever, the problem would be there too. But, it is not. See below screen shot from backed up business

So, we can surmise the issue is not related to insufficient quantities, Nevertheless, I would answer your questions as below:


We don’t have any inventory tracking preferences (code). However, if you mean production stage, yes it is set correctly. See the inventory tab screen shot, it is clean.


Let me assure you, it is not. All bill of materials were available. Even so, that the the problem returned to normal behavior after that date although no item of bill of materials quantities was added.

No, we cannot. Verifying there have never been any insufficient quantities requires laborious tracing of the status of every inventory item on the bill of materials back to when there was a zero quantity with nothing to receive or deliver. Only you can do that, because only you have all the records.

Inventory tracking preferences are not codes. They are checkboxes. And they do not show up in the tab listing, but on individual item Edit screens. This is a feature that was changed recently, and it can have ripple effects… So, depending on dates of your software updates, versions involved in the various screen shots, etc., this could be the explanation.

This business was started in June, 2021. So, there is not much of checking to do. And, I have made sure of all contributing factors that cab lead to unusual behaviour.

Sorry, I didn’t understand before. Now, it’s clear. Yes, the preferences has been carefully checked, see screenshot below

@Tut , my question remains why there was no display problem vis-a-vis create dates if there were any related causes in the same business backed up just 7days before for same production orders and same inventory item. How, the display problem creeped in later. Is there an answer to this?

On a second thought I think you have valid query :point_up_2:. I will ask my staff to thoroughly check all bill of materials status relating to the inventory item. I’ll come back tomorrow with the findings. Thank you.

You did not say what this item is. The finished item? One of the items on the bill of materials? And you show no status or history related to it that I can tell. (Your other screen shots are far too small to read, and you also did not say what they show.) So the screen shots you have provided really are not useful for troubleshooting. I look forward to the results of your quantity tracing.

This is a finished item. I am having doubts that the issue may be relating to bill of materials. Anyway, I’ll revert tomorrow after checking

The finished item will not be affected by tracking preferences when you produce it. Only purchases are affected. So if there is an insufficient quantity problem, it must be with the bill of materials items, not the finished item. Be sure to examine their tracking preferences and goods receipts.