Problem with the new project module


Is there a way to add custom fields with the projects module?

Also remember to put a filter in the list of projects to display specific periods of transactions.


Projects are merely identifiers attached to line items on transactions. They facilitate other existing features. In that way, a project is like a custom field itself.

There must be a way to add that.

I’m not sure what you are saying, @Abeiku. The list of projects is just a list of names. Transactions are reported elsewhere. The exception is the project summary. But what good would it do to exclude part of the project when determining profitability?

@Tut, The idea is to separate the project period with the fiscal year, because a project can start in the middle of one fiscal year and end in the middle of another fiscal year. with a simple filter, it can allow us to dissociate the transactions of a project to see the execution rate for example

For custom fields, we can add the project manager, the start and end date of the project, the donors, the project code, … and there we will have a complete project menu

You would have to perform this “separation” in whatever other reports you are generating. My point was that the project list is just a list of names. When drilling down to view a specific project, its profitability report is defined by the dates of transactions that include line items tagged with the project name.

I understood that. But that menu will have no accounting value or purpose in Manager. You might just as well keep that information elsewhere.

@Tut There is the need to capture project details, e.g, planned project period, customer, start date, end date, project manager, project reference number. I strongly believe it will be added.

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Custom Field Option must be Addded in Project Section

I also support the idea of implementation of custom fields for projects.

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Custom fields - very helpful, but as of today, “Project Name” is not exposed, or at least I can’t find it…same as “Division” …doesn’t belong to “custom” and does not show up in the line item of an Order/Invoice (Sales or Purchase) printed form.

Another observation…a “Project” is an organizational endeavor for change (from PMI). There is a strong need to issue Orders/Invoices by PROJECT, not by line item. Otherwise, billing to a client can run headlong into errors…did you pick up everything? Same for Purchases…

Projects and divisions appear when the context is appropriate. For example, if you select an account for a line item that can apply to a project the selection drop-down will appear. And the reason that you cannot select an entire invoice or other transaction for a project is that you could conceivably be buying or selling items to the same customer or from the same supplier that apply to different projects.