The above result is absolutely correct but It will be very useful if the new payment page after creating payslip contains all the data be it description, tracking code and number of line item same as was in Payslip except Qty & Rate intead in Unit Price put the Total of Amount of Payslip.
All the items Only under Earnings tab will be replicated against Employee Clearing Account in Payment Page while deductions and contribution figures shall be ignored.
A payment is unrelated to the payslip. It is a completely separate accounting transaction made up of different line items. The only things that matter for the payment are the bank or cash account being credited and the employee subaccount of Employee clearing account being debited. The payment is not related to days worked, tracking codes, number or details of line items, payslip items, or anything else on the payslip or payslips being paid.
Tracking codes should be applied on the payslip, not on the payment. The payslip is the transaction that affects the Profit and Loss Statement, where tracking codes apply. The payment of employees affects only balance sheet accounts, where they do not. Therefore, they do not appear.
You missed my point: “It is a completely separate accounting transaction made up of different line items.” The data on the payslip concerning earnings has no place on the payment form. Manager records every line item of a transaction as a separate general ledger entry. An employee’s earnings payslip item is a standalone credit that has nothing to do with the debit that clears the Employee clearing account as the result of a payment.
The data that can be fetched, the balance due for that payslip lodged in the Employee clearing account, already is fetched if you click New Payment. That is the only relevant information for the payment, and Manager would have nowhere to put anything else it fetched.
You say, “its nothing to do with account aspect.” It actually has everything to do with accounting, nothing else. If you want your employees to know what they are being paid for, give them their payslips.