Payslip question

What does the “Qty and Rate” means in the payslip setup ?

Qty is quantity. In other words, how many of whatever unit earnings are calculated in. That could the number of hours, days, weeks, etc.

Rate refers to how much money is being paid per unit. So dollars per hour, Euros per day, francs per week, and so on.

If I have many employees, can I define Qty as month for some and hours for others ? this won’t affect my journal ?

And also, if an employee, with Qty : 20 Hr and Rate : 20$. If I have to add commission on his payslip, how do i deal with the Qty in this situation. Imagine I give him 15% for each sale (Product price: 150$, total product sale: 50 units)

Yes, as long as the rates entered are appropriate for the different time periods. You should probably give the payslip items titles like Hourly wage and Monthly salary to keep things clear.

You have two options:

  1. Calculate commission manually and enter it in the Rate field:

10 AM

  1. Put the commission base in Qty, the commission rate in Rate, and let Manager do the calculation for you:

52 AM