Payment receipt date not appearing


Ref below custom generated report, the payment receipt date is not appreaing for the March’22 Hire payment inspite of a receipt generated for the same.

Please find below snapshots for the same.



Receipt snapshot

Your receipt has an error - it should not have Suspense line - please show the edit screen of the receipt

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I suspect that receipt is not cleared.


Please find below snapshot of the receipt page.

The amnt rcvd by us in our bank is entered in the fixed total which is after deducting TDS at source and banking charges if any .
I understand that there is a WHT field available in the invoicing page for such purpose, but different customers are applying different TDS rates for deduction due to which we feel cumbersome to manually calculate each time and put the tax % at the time of generating invoices. Hence the amnt goes as suspense. We at end of FY claim the excess deduction from the authorities.

Can u pls advise how to clear invoice? I have applied the same procedure for all invoices/ receipts in the past. The system showed that they are cleared.

Based on the screen shot, the receipt you showed is cleared.

You need to fix the out of balance situation. That is meant for situations where a single receipt is split to be posted to different accounts. You have only one account. Think of the field only as built in note paper to help you with manual division of the receipt. The number you put there has no financial effect. But that is why the transaction is in Suspense: it is a mistake.

Regret I did not understand. Request if can elaborate with snapshot if possible.
Thank you.

Suppose your receipt is for 100. But 50 is posted to one account and 50 to another account. You can enter 100 in the field for the fixed total. After you enter the first line item for 50, the form will show that you are 50 out of balance. When you have entered a second line item for 50 posted to another account, the amount by which you are out of balance will be zero.

thks for your guidance. Please see below snapshot

However, now the invoice shows a balance amnt payable ( Dont know where i’m going wrong!!)

pls guide.

PLease show the edit screen for your invoice - it looks like you have entered it incorrectly

You have not included the Withholding Tax on the Sales Invoice

I understand that there is a WHT field available in the invoicing page for such purpose, but different customers are applying different TDS rates for deduction due to which we feel cumbersome to manually calculate each time and put the tax % at the time of generating invoices. Hence the amnt goes as suspense. We at end of FY claim the excess deduction from the authorities.

You can’t expect Manager to work properly if you post invalid transactions, sorry


A post was split to a new topic: Inserting withholding tax into past transactions