When I issue a payment and tag with the Invoice No, I am not sure why it added the sum into invoice and the total increased, not knocking it off. Can someone helps me on the issue?
When I issue a payment and tag with the Invoice No, I am not sure why it added the sum into invoice and the total increased, not knocking it off. Can someone helps me on the issue?
Are you talking about Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice?
If it is a Sale Invoice then you should be using a receipt transaction not a payment transaction
Showing a portion of the View screen is not of any great help
You should show the full edit screen of the transactions - both Invoice and payment
From the attachment, I issued an Invoice, then the payment received, but the total is added up, when I issue a receipt as per info in the invoice, it’s still does not knock off the total amount because the amount already increased
i tried this out and it works.
does the “Payment” means for outgoing payment?
because we can defined as “account receivable” in the payment as well, so I thought it will knock off the amount from the invoice, as I map the Invoice Number in the details.
A Payment records a payment the business makes - to a supplier for example
A Receipt records the receipt of money received by the business such as a receipt of money from a customer.
A customer may well make a payment but this is not a payment for the business, but a receipt
thanks for the explanation joe!
really appreciate it!
It’s all clearly explained in the Guides.