How I receive the partial payments from customers

how I receive the partial payments from customers

If you’re receiving money against a sales invoice, allocate the payment to that invoice and enter or overwrite the amount received. The sales invoice will show the amount credited and balance due.

what is the procedure please explain

Create a Sale Invoice with the full amount of the item. Then click Receive Payment at the top of the invoice. Next enter the partial amount received. The invoice will show the amount credited and the balance due.

Following that procedure, the invoice adjusts the total due and shows paid in full vice showing a balance due. I have tricked it by adding a line with a negative of the original amount due. This is specific to charging late fees against invoice payments due. would be nice to have an amount due, amount paid, and balance due on a specific invoice. Not an accountant but trying. Maybe I am missing something here.

What you describe should not happen if you follow @success127’s instructions. Are you sure that you edited the amount paid? If so, can you post some screen shots?

my error… The partial payment works as advertised - sorry for the confusion.