Out of memory when performing batch operations

Is there a hidden limit for the number of transactions I can batch operate on at one time?

On desktop v24.11.7.1926, I tried to batch update 6300 sales invoices at once and received this:

This is on a PC with 32GB of memory, task manager shows only 1.5GB in use by Manager.

Is 32GB not enough for the operation I’m trying to perform?

There are about 200,000 invoices I need to update so breaking them into smaller chunks will be very time consuming.

I think you will have to break it up. But why are needing update so many? Once you issue an invoice you should not need to modify it. It is also illegal in many countries to modify invoices after they are issued.

I want to update division from a shared division to a unique division, not modify the invoice itself. Is there a better way of doing this?

Divide it in batch of 500 or 1000.
Also try to delete irrelevant columns which you are not updating.
In your case Division column for each line and key column would be needed.


I removed the non-updated columns and it works now. Thank you so much.