Non-Inventory Items without set prices don't copy data between Sale Invoice and Purchase Invoice


With previous versions of Manager, price of non-inventory items (that didn’t have it pre-determined within non-inventory item itself) used to copy over from Sales Invoice to Purchase Invoice alongside Qty. Currently only Qty copies over. I tried to find a way to make it work but no solution was found. Is there a way to enable this?

To further explain I have a Non-Inventory Item “Travel fee”. It has no set price for either Sale or Purchase. Every Sales Invoice has it included and price gets determined on case-by-case scenario. Then, this “Travel fee” used to copy over to my Purchase Invoices to let me know my restrictions for this item (basically my budget for travel). It copied automatically with no additional input which also conveniently kept it out of my Profit and Loss Statements as they balanced each other out creating no additional profit.

I understand I could just remember what that price is and enter it manually each time I copy data from Sales Invoice to Purchase Invoice but it’s undesirable, as it opens room for error…

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I cannot comment on whether the behavior you attribute to “previous” versions ever occurred. (You do not specify which version you were using before or are using now.) But I will make the following observations:

  • The original program design presumed sales and purchase prices could and probably would differ. In other words, you would normally be trying to sell items for more than you paid for them.
  • The original Guide for the Copy to feature included the following Note (the final one in the Guide):

When inventory or non-inventory items are included on a form, posting accounts and prices change to those appropriate for the destination form.

Thus, because you have neither a purchase nor sales price indicated for your non-inventory item, I would expect exactly the behavior you are currently seeing. There is not a way to change it.

It seems to be common in your replies to insinuate that topic starters are lying. It neither helps, or looks good. One sentence could be simply omitted.

Versions I used were 19 and below (desktop). Version I use now is 23 (desktop).

I have hundreds of entries where this behaviour worked. Clearly it was part of the original design. It got changed along the way.

Is there access to previous versions of software? The few links I could find are broken.

I just flagged your post as it is against the forum rules at FAQ - Manager Forum


But criticize ideas, not people.

Except for @Luboss all other people on this forum are volunteers and people like @Tut are moderators and deserve more respect because he tries to keep things factual. You may not like the inquiries but they are needed to help you fix your issues.

@punt-yachts, I neither said nor implied that. And that is very broad claim for someone to make who joined the forum less than a day ago. I very explicitly said I could not comment about whether the behavior you attributed to earlier versions ever occurred. Now that you have told us you were on some variation of, I can say definitively your previous version was literally thousands of releases ago. Many things have changed in that span of time. This might be one.

I can also tell you that the ability to copy any sales- or purchase-related transaction to all other types of sales- or purchase-related transactions was added across the entire program in May 2021, years after your prior version. Before that, transactions could only be copied to certain other transaction types the developer believed made contextual sense. While a sales invoice could be copied to a purchase invoice at least as far back as 2018, according to my research, it is possible the associated behavior changed when the capability was broadened to include all sales and purchase transaction types.

I do not think it did, however, because I located a forum post similar to yours from early 2018 commenting on exactly the same issue you are raising now. So the current behavior was noticed and discussed before your v19 installation. Moreover, the Note from the relevant Guide I quoted earlier did not change during the time since your older version. So if the behavior you claim did in fact exist, it was not documented.

That recollection cannot be substantiated. Your database will reflect only the end result of entries made. And your History file will only show that a purchase invoice was created, not what prices were or were not changed during the process.

Unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise.