New version windows

I have a problem with the new versie. I can’t open it. This is the error

Someone can help me, prefer dutch language

did you do a new installation or updated from an old version?
What Windows version?

i remove mij older version en did download a new version 19.12.12

windows 10

for updating to a newer version you do not have to uninstall the existing version of Manager.
make sure you followed everything in the guide Install or update desktop edition on Windows | Manager

did the installation successfully complete? try uninstalling the program and install it again.

o i didnt know, i always remove and download again, hihi

okay i removed again in progams install or delete. Then i download it again and nothing change it.
But i still get the error

What now?

maybe you have for me an older version? so i can try that?

the older versions are not available for download. but i can assure you that the newest version works fine on my Windows 10 computer. we just have to figure it out what is wrong with yours though. :slightly_smiling_face:

so was your Windows automatically updated recently?
please check if the Manager Application data folder is not set as Read-only.

my husband came home and he has excluded via security
And now the programmas works

data folder was not set as read-only
and windows was updated