I entered the product key which u sent me earlier from one of my business with IP xx.xx.xx.xx:8081
Then when I open my other business with IP xx.xx.xx.xx:8082 it asked me for product key again , again I have the same product key .
Now this server edition 17.5.0 is allowing only one user and one business at a time to login and update the data
User1@email.com can access one business at a time
If user2@email.com logs in to that same business as user1 then user1 gets logged out immediately
I m not able to go back to old server edition also
The latest version of server edition can serve one business only. If you need to have multiple businesses, you will need to launch server edition multiple times, one for each business.
reverting + user restriction function, instead the only user database on each file, another database handler (sync between server and the business file) which supersede the level of business file when its being host under manager server to manage the access to different business file.
which requires another level of admin called super admin (IT). < maybe Not practical ( only available when it hosted under manager server). for security purpose, you can add common super admin password at every file, so the manager server only insert one password. (To not allow expose to unauthorized super admin access to client’s business file) if the common password of that particular one business file which is different than the one we know. than it can’t be open through manager server.
The scenario base on if the file has password that cannot be open by desktop version. Just a suggestion.
acecombat2 from my experience, trying to sync something what you can not be in control all the time is almost impossible.
I am not sure what was thinking behind to add users into each business.
Desktop edition does ignore it so they are currently useless there
Server and cloud would use them, but if it is on business level users can not be shared across businesses.
User would have to have 2 users for 2 businesses
With super admin you will export file, change super admin password on server import file back, there is no way to say that it is the same user. Maybe it is imported from different server. If you ignore password and just load, when why to have password at all?
If intention for users on business files was for security reasons, so that desktop version could read files only if password is known.
In this case it is probably better to have export password which you can enter on export, so that it is clear that it has nothing to do with users, and you don’t need to sync it anywhere, it is pure import export password.
If there is no intention to secure desktop backup files, why would you want to keep users in desktop version at all.
In that case you want only server/cloud to manage users and permission
Exporting usernames/passwords out of secure and controlled environment is also huge security issue.
If there are real technical reasons to make business files separate, the only way forward to have identity server and implement some sort of SSO implementation. i.e. OAuth, where you login on authentication server and it generates encrypted token to access all other businesses on other instances, it can also include permissions for business access. It would introduce quite a bit of overhead for maintenance thou.
Or you have single web app that handles authentication, if there is need to have something talking to manager-server externally, it could be done over API, but all data is secure in manager and controlled by permission levels, so that API connections don’t have free access to everything, but just what is allowed.
yeah, I’m not that good in IT stuff. and… you just pointed out the main questionable framework why do you need to store user database in business file separately if we can’t use it. So far I understand in roadmap it suppose to use together with audit trail features but it limits the flexibility of accessing different business file in single instance.
Based on what @Isklerius highlighted the issue, @lubos you might need to redesign it the database to only on Managerserver, not in the business file. Unless, It’s within your plan to implement password enabled for desktop version.
I’m looking at particular features that in Managerserver only authorized users can see and access the one that being assigned to.