Monthly Purchase Quantity and Value

Dear Sir, good day, I want if some can help me to know how to get data/report for purchase for a specific period or for a specific item/vendors.

You need to be more specific about what information you are trying to obtain.

Dear I want to get summary of purchases made for a specific period, how should I get.

Did you try Reports → Supplier Statements ?

The Supplier Summary report may be useful for you; you can set the period and it will show invoices by vendor.

yes please, it give report of a supplier, but if i want know purchases for the whole month from all the suppliers

yes i tried this it give me total amount infront of each supplier but not the items etc

Inventory Quantity Summary would be able to report the items.

To report purchases by supplier and items in a single report, you may have to develop a custom report; unfortunately I am not well versed in custom reports.