Missing Receipt in History

Please assist.

One of the users of our business (Cloud Edition) complained that despite her having created the receipt on 22nd June 2020, when she wanted to print the receipt that she created that day, she realised that the receipt is no longer in the system.

We traced the audit trail to check if any other users deleted the receipt but we then realised that although it seems like she had created the receipt (according to the audit trail) but it’s not shown on the history.

Attached herewith the screen shot for your further action.

Kindly assist.

History has Undo button which will reverse the action and delete the entry from history. This has been already pointed out that even if Undo button is used, the event from History should not be deleted.

Also, it’s possible she could have created this receipt in another business entity. Audit trail shows entries across all businesses, History is for specific business only.

Thank you for your clarification. It’s in another business.