Manager Updated - Now Evaluation Mode

I emailed support already and attempted to contact the developer. We operate the Linux Server Edition Updated from 22.1.99 to 22.3.74 and now have the “Enter Product Key Banner / reminder” when connecting to the host. Yellow banner prompts for a product key. This is on a Ubuntu Server. All company data appears to be intact by the look of it. We operate in a Multi user environment.

I believed manager was perpetual at the outset back in the day. Reading shows that there is now a Maintenance plan that can be purchased. we do not have record of the Product Key but have evidence of purchase.


There was no warning that this will occur and not able to locate Product Code under settings etc.

Not keen on repurchase of Server License again, please advise on process to move forward or cost.

The maintenance renewal has always been there.

When you purchase the server edition, the product key will work on all versions released prior and on all versions released within 12 months of purchase.

Renewing maintenance plan is entirely optional, but it will ensure your continued access to updates. Your maintenance plan can be renewed while valid at 75% off list price. Your 12-month software maintenance will commence from the expiration date of the previous maintenance period, regardless of when the maintenance renewal was purchased. After expiration, the maintenance plan can be renewed anytime at 50% off list price. The renewed maintenance plan starts on purchase day.

So you can install the version you bought the license for or renew the product key and continue with the newer version.

WHy didn’t you update to the latest version 22.6.12?

22.3.74 is a 100 or more versions behind

Happy to renew etc but in each instance the Product key is required by the look of it. Therein lies the problem.

  1. I would purchase a Maintenance plan in a timely manner if the system warned me.
  2. Alternatively if aware and not wish to proceed would have remained at the then current version.
  3. Is it safe to revert back to previous version since the update was committed on the database without notification. Also many transaction have taken place so a full rollback not ideal.
  4. How do I locate the product key?
  5. Happy to buy a Maintenance plan but need the old Product key
  6. In this situation do I have to repurchase Server Version again NZ$740.00?
  7. Why did the system not make us aware of status so informed decisions can be made?

Just use the mail button to @Lubos he will send you the key.

When did this change?? Had Script set to wget -O /usr/share/manager-server/ManagerServer-Linux-x64.tar.gz

Heck the guys have changed the source location to wget -O /usr/share/manager-server/ManagerServer-linux-x64.tar.gz

OK now Server version sitting at 22.6.12 thanks for pointing it out Joe91

Also messaged @Lubos as mentioned in the beginning but no contact as yet.

It has always been perpetual for the version you bought. You also get 12 months maintenance enabling you to also upgrade to later versions for the next 12 months.

When you bought Manager you were given a product key. I always take a screenshot and write it down incase subsequent hardware failures or reinstall is required. You were also emailed a receipt to the email address you gave (search for an email from I believe lubos can recover your key from that email address.

Manager is priced very competitively so even if you repurchased you would still be ahead. The renewal out of maintenance is also very generous, which if you gave a valid email address and you can find it you should be entitled to.

It’s true in cover maintenance renewal is even more generous. I set an reminder alarm. Missing such deals in the past provides the motivation.


Finally received product key and all sorted. Great! So two things from my perspective.

  1. Would be nice to be able to locate Product Key within Manager. If it were possible this case would not have been raised.
  2. Perhaps an email notification that Maintenance Plan is nearing renewal time.

I have myself just discovered the consequences of missing the renewal maintenance deadline - only thought of it because of this topic. When I checked, I saw that I had missed the deadline by a week! Urggh.