Maintenance Renewal Reminder

As seen in this topic - Manager Updated - Now Evaluation Mode and various topics over the years, it is clear that the Maintenance Plan is not satisfactory. There is no indication in the program or email reminder that the end of the maintenance is near.

It was only as a result of the linked topic that I thought to check my own Maintenance Plan which I thought expired in July. I discovered unfortunately that I had missed the deadline to renew within the current maintenance contract by a week so it cost me double to renew this year than last year! My previous plan expired on the 6th June.

In addition, there is no ability to input a new product key. I have to update Manager first. I tend to update every four months or so or if there is a new feature or bug release that I wish to take advantage of.

Could you please ensure that users get a notification or reminder either in the program or via email for renewals. Every other company I use has some kind of reminder for renewals. At the same time, make it possible to update the product key without having to update Manager.

I am really annoyed about having to pay double this year what I did last year, because I thought my renewal was in July.


Moderators …. I think this thought and some reminder mechanism should seriously be considered for “Ideas”.
It has subscriber dollar and client confidence impacts.