Upon renewal, how does one replace/update the license key for manager Server?
Currently, the software will prompt for new product key when the old one is no longer eligible to use in the latest version. But I think it is sound idea to show product key within the program so it can be replaced ahead of time.
Question is that when you renew the Maintenance service earlier on how to activate the new license key? The confirmation page states:
“…This product key can be used on current and all future versions of Manager Server…”
The new key obviously has a much later expiry date than the old key so ideally, we can replace it. So please provide guidance on how to do this. Thank you
@lubos My Server license is about to expire next month.
Could you introduce the following:
I had to hunt around on the Manager website to find the Renewal option as opposed to buy option. I was looking through the guides to see how to renew and the links there take you to the buy option - the guides do not have a link to renew. Could there be a renewal button in Server Manager, so people can renew straight from Server Manager and also inputting my current product key.
Second, could there be a two month banner at the top alerting users that the license is due to expire. It could be done in a similar way to how recurring transactions are shown at the top of their respective tabs. Users should not be expected to remember when the license expires. The program should alert you.
Third as requested in this topic - there is no way for me to enter the new product key when I buy the renewal. This needs to be fixed. I would recommend a renew button for cloud and server licensing within the program. I am assuming that currently I have to wait until the day after expiry to put the new key in?
My last request. I am aware that there is a 50% discount if you renew before the end of subscription. However, I am only aware of this from reading about it in forum topics. Nowhere on the website anywhere can I find information or confirmation on this. On the Renewal page, it should state what the discount is and how this works eg. do you have to renew two weeks or one month before expiry date or the day before? There is no clarity on whether the price changes based on how long before expiry date you renew.
Am I missing something, the server page has a renewal button https://www.manager.io/server/
Looking at the message on the renewal page
Indicates to me after extending the product key then has an expiry set at the prior expiry date plus the one year extension you just bought
That is not how I interpreted the licence key functionality.
Reading further. If you let your maintenance laps
So the timing for which is consistent with buying a new product key.
Does this post help. I’m not sure if it is still current but all options I have ever seen have been very generous.
I agree it would be useful if Manager server could display when Maintenance for the current product key expires.
Yes the Server page has a renewal button. But I was looking through the guides which explains how to buy and install the program, not renew it. I only found the link I needed when I click on the Server Edition at the bottom (not part of the guides).
If you open up Server Manager - you will see there is nowhere to update the product key. I am not talking about buying/renewing the license, but where to put the new key into Manager. You can’t do it. So you can buy the key before expiration - but you cannot input it into Manager.
Yes I have seen the posts regarding discounts. But my point is, that this information should be on the renewal form or somewhere in the guides. One should not have to search forum topics to find this information.
I can work out how the subscription works based on the limited information, but I am stating it needs to be more clear. There is too much room for ambiguity.
As per my post above, I would like to know where to enter my new license key, even though the original is yet to expire, I understood that the new license key would be valid immediately and does the right calculated new expiry date. I prefer not to get surprised at a moment when least suitable in a kind of Murphy’s Law manner.
To renew you server licence you have to enter your old key on the server renewal page. You are correct you need to know your license key. I saved mine when it was issued. If you didn’t then I believe you can contact support.
I’m didn’t think not being able to change your license key when it is valid was a major program limitation. After all if it expires the program keep working, it just displays a banner encouraging you to enter a new license key.
My understanding is the server edition is not heavily marketed as it is actually not suitable for the majority of users. Mostly because many users do not know what they don’t now about managing a server for a mission critical application.
I renewed my key, but there is no way to enter it yet until at some point in time the yellow bar will appear to enter a license code. I am puzzled why one can not enter the license code now, especially as the confirmation page is very clear that the new code is immediatley valid.