Manager on new PC

Hello! I copied the directory of Manager in the Roaming directory of Windows on my old pc to an USB stick to put it on my laptop. Then my pc crashed and I cannot use nor transfer any of the files anymore.

I installed Manager on my laptop today and thought I just replace all the files, but this doesnt work for some reason.

How can I use the administration on my laptop? I have copied the complete directory with DotLiquid.dll - ManagerExtensions.dll - Eto.WinForms.dll etc…

Thanks in advance.

Copying files is not the way to migrate Manager. The proper way is to make a backup (on your USB would be OK), then download and install Manager to the new machine. Then use the Add Business button and Import Backup option on the new machine.

Try doing a restore by navigating to a folder that contains all those Manager files. Since I don’t know what they are, I don’t know if Manager will recognize one as your data file. Understand that the application itself contains none of your data. It only calls the data files.

Thanks. But I didnt make a backup. I created an administration and put all data in. Then I copied the directory on a USB stick and now my pc crashed before I was able to create a backup. Can`t I do anything with the Manager files on my USB stick?

You should be able to go to add business, import backup and then browse to where you saved the Manager folder on your usb memory stick and then find the .Manager file somewhere in there. I am not sure where the .Manager file is saved by default as I don’t use the default location.

What @dalacor said is what I meant when I wrote: