DocumentSaveException: Apitron.PDF.Kit.ErrorHandling.DocumentSaveException: Exception of type ‘Apitron.PDF.Kit.ErrorHandling.DocumentSaveException’ was thrown.
at Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowDocument.Write (System.IO.Stream outputStream, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.PageProperties.PageBoundary boundary, Apitron.PDF.Kit.PdfStandard pdfStandard) [0x0009e] in <15ac2733cdf44d7791f26e66c97e5318>:0
at ManagerServer.PdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdf (System.String input, System.IO.Stream output, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.PageProperties.PageBoundary pageBoundary) [0x0047e] in :0
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Pdf.Post () [0x0015b] in :0
I have been using Manager on latest macOS for almost a week and I haven’t noticed any issues.
I assume the error is happening when opening or printing PDFs, right? If not, can you tell the version of macOS you are using?
Thank you for your reply…it seems there are different cultural interpretations. The word I used in my country is of the mildest kind of expletive…however I understand cultural sensitivities. I’m often shocked by the way Americans refer to their mothers.
I have been so happy with Manager over the years it has performed wonderfully until the issues in November last year. Now out of the blue the same error seems to have repeated itself. The error message is listed above…The version is 16.12.50 and I was attempting to send a quote.
Sorry yes…16.12.50 is the version. It was working perfectly and then suddenly with no software updates or any other changes I got the issue above on attempting to send a quote!
How were you sending the quote? By email? Or were you creating a PDF to attach or print, or what? Also, are you using a custom theme? And what language and currency are you using? I ask because there have been some issues reported with less common currency symbols.
Thanks Tut…Always send my quotes via email and no custom theme. I include the error message above after attempting a PDF BUT the error message I am getting still is this…
DocumentSaveException: Exception of type ‘Apitron.PDF.Kit.ErrorHandling.DocumentSaveException’ was thrown.
I cannot reproduce this problem. I am running macOS 10.12.2 and Manager 16.12.50, just as you say you are. I have generated PDF’s and sent emails in both plain text and HTML formats. I have used modified titles for the form, such as Sales Proposal instead of Quote. I’ve changed from A4 to Letter format.
Let me clarify some points:
Do you get the error immediately upon clicking the PDF button? Or does anything else happen first?
Same question about sending emails.
Are you using a custom SMTP server? If so, have you tried without the custom SMTP server?
Do you have any custom fields in your quotes? If so, what might be there that isn’t included in a sales invoice that functions correctly?
Do you have anything in the Notes field? If so, have you tried to PDF or email a quote without whatever it is?
It should be obvious I am looking for something different about your quotes from your sales invoices.
Tut…thank you so much for the follow-up you have made on this topic and also Robert for his tip too which I’ll try. It seems that this error message comes upon the entry of an incorrect email address. I have done some checking myself in the last couple of days and that is what has emerged as being the issue. Thank you for checking, I didn’t realise that.
Thanks for letting us know. Many users have reported the same error message, as you probably saw by searching the forum. But no one I recall reported an incorrect email address as the cause. Was it your incorrect address in the setup, or an incorrect address for a recipient?
Sorry TUT…but this issue has again raised it’s ugly head. I have checked and re-checked the email address and still get the exception message. I tried to PDF the quote but got the same message…Then I tried to “Clone” the quote and was able to produce a PDF which I will email to client…
Very strange. This suggests something was wrong with the original quote that did not carry over when cloned. Can you email the cloned quote? Or only the PDF?
Just copied your address and sent it to you no problems………I tried earlier with my own email address and it would not send to that either. But appears to be ok now……I realise my “operator error” record is not good but I have been using manger for years on my old machine without problems. It is only since I started using my new machine that I have struck problems.
I just made another clone and copied the notes into the bottom and got the same error….the quote sent ok without the notes though……
Is it something to do with “Notes” I might have placed at the bottom of the quote?
DocumentSaveException: Apitron.PDF.Kit.ErrorHandling.DocumentSaveException: Exception of type ‘Apitron.PDF.Kit.ErrorHandling.DocumentSaveException’ was thrown.
at Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowDocument.Write (System.IO.Stream outputStream, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.PageProperties.PageBoundary boundary, Apitron.PDF.Kit.PdfStandard pdfStandard) [0x0008c] in <1b91d64fe32d4a908cba0c83c18fae00>:0
at ManagerServer.PdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdf (System.String input, System.IO.Stream output, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.PageProperties.PageBoundary pageBoundary) [0x005d1] in <9fac20842bcc4f5f89ac3cf86a8fe82a>:0
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Pdf.Post () [0x0015b] in <9fac20842bcc4f5f89ac3cf86a8fe82a>:0