Manager Guide Book 2.0

Is there any plans on a new guide book in .pdf once the new guides are completed?
If so when are the new guides going to be finished?

Finished meaning something more helpful then:

As this tell us nothing about how to set it up.
Just what it can do if you figure it out by yourself.

You may say that you could just ask the forum.
But then you have to ask and wait for a answer then test it and so forth.

Whereas you could just download a book and read it and be an expert to a certain decree.

The reason for this is you may notice a lot of new users not understanding something basic.
And I myself have fallen to that trap myself as can be seen in this topic.
The reason I fell into that was I thought that code meant numbers not something like USD.
And it was not explained anywhere that it would show up in invoices and receipts.

All that I am asking is if there is any plans for such a book to made soon.

There is some support for your concerns however I suspect that is not the directions Manager is going Please continue supporting the pdf documentation - #2 by lubos

@patch I am afraid you are right.

Honestly I think that if @lubos will not make a guide that can be read by humans,
then we will need to make our own.
Cause if you really want to make a simple accounting program,
but them make it complicated to understand the guides,
which should make it simple then you are defeating the idea.

If anyone wants to make a Manager guide book 2.0 then I would be willing to a test reader.
(Make it in English though as I can’t read anything else.)

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Please continue supporting the pdf documentation